Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RGBs to composite conversion

Trying to convert a video signal (RGBs to composite) and purchased a converter(Weiya CV-04). This converter has R,G,B,ground,sync,con2 on the input side. Has a composite, RCA output(as well as s-video). Power is 5-12DC. I am getting clean image out except the entire image scrolls slowly up. I have a RGB and one sync wire which I soldered to the corresponding inputs wires. Not sure what the con2 wire is for. (Maybe Vsync if there was a separate Hsync and Vsync coming from the device). If I hook the output to different LCD screens it behaves differently. On one it is perfect, on another it scrolls faster in the opposite direction. Does anyone know what the problem is? And a way to fix it? Thanks in advance for any help.