I have an idea for a project and I would like some input on if it can be done and how. I am looking to build a device that I can place close to my HF ham radio and when I key the mic and speak will detect the RF and light an "ON THE AIR" sign. I was thinking of using transistors to amplify the signal and then turn on a lighted sign.
Does this make sense?
Thanks for the input.
I do agree with the other guys … you really should know how to do something as easy as this
BUT in my kindness and as HUGE hint …… google
RF sniffer circuits
you just choose the most suitable one, and modify the one to turn on a lamp,
Note, if using SSB you may have a pulsing of the light problem and without some
thought as to the output, you will find the lamp goes off with every breath you take
NOT an idea situation
wonder if you understand why ?
This is where
@WHONOES idea is much better
you haven't said what kind of radio you have or what bands you want this to operate on
…. this also adds to the problems of the RF sniffer
and again to use some existing switching from the radio would be better
there may already be a switched output in the ACC socket on the back of the radio ??