Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Revox A77 open reel machine


Michael A. Terrell

Dave Plowman (News) said:
Maybe, but their local radio stations had shoestring budgets.

But the A77 was an expensive high end domestic machine. Weren't there some
cheaper but more robust home grown makes - Ampex, etc? In the UK,
Ferrograph tended to have that side of the market sewn up.

I'm just curious - I'm an A77 fan. I have two including an HS one. And a
Dolby SR unit for use with them.

In the pre-internet days there were a number of broadcast trade
journals, and used equipment brokers. If you were going to home brew a
simple automation system, you looked around to see what was readily
availible, and cheap. It was easier to buy the same repair parts for a
dozen of the same machines, and you could scrap a dammaged deck for
motors and heads, or other parts to keep the rest running as they aged.

By the time thay became too expensive to maintain, computer programs
on computers with a bank of SCSI drives, or remote controlled multidisk
CD players took over. Today, it would be cheaper to have a rack full of
cheap computer CDROM drives, instead of $1500 six disc machines made for
broadcast use.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida