Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Resistor colour code

I've been dealing with fixing and making electronic projects for a few years now but my knowlege is still not perfect. I need help about this resistor. I just haven't ever seen this colour code on them before: Black, gold, silver, red and blue
Here is a picture.

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Hop - AC8NS
Or, if it really IS a resistor: 0.62 ohms. 62 is the two significant figures from blue and red bands, silver band means multiply significant figures by 0.01, gold band means 5% tolerance; ignore the black band.

If it IS an inductor, as Harald mentioned, 0.62 μH is a quite small value. You may not be able to distinguish this component from a low-valued resistor.


Hop - AC8NS
0.62 ohms might be hard to measure with a multi-meter. You could connect it to a constant-current source and measure the voltage drop to verify the resistance. No constant current source handy? Just wire it in series with a 100 ohm resistor and connect the series pair to a constant voltage source of about five to ten volts. Measure the voltage drop across the "0.62 ohm resistor" and use the voltage divider equation to determine the resistance.
0.62 ohms might be hard to measure with a multi-meter. You could connect it to a constant-current source and measure the voltage drop to verify the resistance. No constant current source handy? Just wire it in series with a 100 ohm resistor and connect the series pair to a constant voltage source of about five to ten volts. Measure the voltage drop across the "0.62 ohm resistor" and use the voltage divider equation to determine the resistance.
I would've done that but the resistor is blown from the other side. I've just took a picture of it where you can see the colours clearly. I didn't know about that method. Thank you! :)