Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Req: Toroidal transformers in Melbourne?


Glenn Baddeley


Does anyone know of a good source of 240V step-down toroidal
transformers in Melbourne? Either off-the-shelf or cusom made. I'm
after at least one in the range 150 - 200 VA with two 22V secondaries.
Jaycar has a 160 VA, 2 x 25V toroid, but the secondary voltage is just
a litte too high for what I want. I know I can take a few turns off to
bring it down to 22V, but it would be nicer to have the right voltage
to begin with.


mike diack

Harbuch transformers in Hornsby, Sydney have made various 'roids for
me, and very nice they were, too. Dealing with them from NZ was easy,
so Melbourne should be OK.
Making a mixer PSU ?.
Speaking of toroids, has anyone else noticed how much we get rodgered
by Radiospares/RS for these things down under ? Compare the UK prices
with the Aus/NZ prices and notice that while the odd new addition to
the range for any given size is SUBSTANTIALLY cheaper, the prices of
the others never goes down. They seem to have a ratchet mechanism on
prices such that adverse exchange rate perturbations always get
reflected in the next catalogue, but favourable changes are ignored.

Gregory Toomey

Glenn said:

Does anyone know of a good source of 240V step-down toroidal
transformers in Melbourne? Either off-the-shelf or cusom made. I'm
after at least one in the range 150 - 200 VA with two 22V secondaries.
Jaycar has a 160 VA, 2 x 25V toroid, but the secondary voltage is just
a litte too high for what I want. I know I can take a few turns off to
bring it down to 22V, but it would be nicer to have the right voltage
to begin with.


I asked the same question a few weeks ago & the biggest range appears to be (click on australian flag)

I'm looking at DYI IC amplifers where voltage is not critical.
See also


Phil Allison

Does anyone know of a good source of 240V step-down toroidal
transformers in Melbourne? Either off-the-shelf or cusom made. I'm
after at least one in the range 150 - 200 VA with two 22V secondaries.

** For 22 volt secondaries I go to Harbuch.

Good folk - nice prices too.

............ Phil


WOW!!! A Sensible reply without insulting anyone, well done Phil.

Phil Allison

"Spanky" <[email protected]>

** Did you get to **** atec's kid sister after he did ??

Or did he want to charge you too much for her ???

............... Phil

Phil Allison

Spanky said:
"Phil Allison" <[email protected]>> >

You just had to resort to insult didn't you?

** Now **where** would have I got that idea from .........

Or was the insult because it was really his little brother ???

............... Phil


I find your suggestion of me having sex with atec's 'kid sister' absolutely
disgusting, you are a haemorrhoid on the arsehole of humanity. I have sent
a copy of your post (along with all the news headers) to
[email protected]. I will make sure that this issue is followed

You went too far.

Phil Allison

Spanky said:
I find your suggestion of me having sex with atec's 'kid sister'
absolutely disgusting,

** What suggestion ? - it was a jibe meant to shock you into a
sense of reality.

You cannot just decide on a whim to abuse and harass a ** FULLY **
identified person and get away with it. That is a massive breach of your
ISP's rules.

you are a haemorrhoid on the arsehole of humanity.

** You are nothing but a slandering criminal arsehole that should that
should have been aborted.

Stinking ** anonymous ** shits like you have no right to be on
usenet at all.

I have sent
a copy of your post (along with all the news headers) to
[email protected]. I will make sure that this issue is followed

** That makes *** you *** an even worse stinking ** ARSEHOLE ** .

Since * YOU * are * NOT * identified here and so have no cause to

You went too far.

** Like hell I did.

...... Phil Allison


I have no intention of revealing my full name to people like you, however if
you are so high and mighty why don't you just give me your home address and
phone number (you are *FULLY* identifying yourself aren't you?) so we can
resolve this problem the old fashioned way?

And as far as what I can and can not do, what gives you the right to decide?
I don't recall electing you as master and commander of usenet.

Phil Allison

Spanky said:
I have no intention of revealing my full name to people like you,

** I never asked you too.

But *****YOU**** are not vulnerable to abuse or slander since YOU are
anonymous and so have no RIGHT to complain to anyone - especially after
posting the vile CRAP about *me* that you did.

however if you are so high and mighty why don't you just give me your home address and
phone number (you are *FULLY* identifying yourself aren't you?) so we can
resolve this problem the old fashioned way?

** Answer your phone.

.............. Phil

Bill Bailley

Spanky said:
I find your suggestion of me having sex with atec's 'kid sister' absolutely
disgusting, you are a haemorrhoid on the arsehole of humanity. I have sent
a copy of your post (along with all the news headers) to
[email protected]. I will make sure that this issue is followed

You went too far.

I note that TPG Internet gained a customer shortly after this post.



You still didn't give me your address when I spoke to you, what are you
affraid of?

I'm in Sydney next week BTW, I wonder how hard it would be to get the
address of your shop?.... is this it?

unit6/ 750 Pittwater Rd Brookvale??????

Don't worry about my annonimity, I'll make myself 'well known' when I walk
in to your shop.

Mike Harding

:) Excellent.

That'll be at least the second account he's lost to my knowledge.
Which was the ISP who booted you after your obscene tantrums
on Phil? Bigpond IIRC?

Will you ever grow up?
I doubt it.

Find yourself a shrink Phil - your anti social behaviour is as bad
as any I've seen from a person who lives in "normal" society.

Mike Harding


Find yourself a shrink Phil - your anti social behaviour is as bad
as any I've seen from a person who lives in "normal" society.

Mike Harding

Please don't ever associate the word "normal" with Phil again :) It's a
slander on the English language.