Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Repeating Toy Hamster Parts?

I already have one, but what I'm curious about is its innards. I'll explain.

I am making a plush toy for a Christmas gift, and I am nearly finished it. It's a parrot and I got the idea of putting something into it like the repeating toy hamster. I tried looking it up in every way shape and form, and I can't seem to find what makes this hamster talk. I am completely new to the world of electronics, and I have looked it up under every name I can think to call the device that is inside of it. I thought that having the same device in the parrot would be a really cute idea. It doesn't necessarily have to be in parrot itself, I can have it on the stand it will sty on, but it needs to have a battery pack so that I can change the batteries as well as a switch so that I can turn it off and on. the microphone and speaker can stay on the stand as well.

This isn't going to be a toy that is going to be played with, it's mainly going to be sitting on display, but I thought having it somewhat interactive would have it feel just a little more life-like. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
It is not super easy for record and playback, however I seen it using a chip similar to the ISD1610BSY here is a demo board that may be a good place to start. I16-COB20
ok...a bit of a confession...I have no idea what either of those are...or how they work together. I am a total newbie when it comes to this stuff. I honestly thought I could just buy a pre-made one and just possibly affix it to the stand...hmm...does the chip click into place or...?
They do not work together. The first is a functional chip that would need circuitry and the second is a demo board that is the complete circuitry including the chip. The Demo board would be just about a complete solution needing only a power supply and a speaker.