Maker Pro
Maker Pro

reparing Receiver - TX-8511


My receiver has 2 Speakers outputs A and B.
A speakers stopped working, so i changed to B, now it is gone too.
I wanted to try to repair it, any one can give some help on this issue? is it an easy fix?

If the A speakers worked OK, then failed and the B speakers worked for a while, it is unlikely to be a fault in the electronics.

I would think it is a dirty switch. Spray with switch cleaner or wash with isopropyl alcohol.
it started to work again. I played with the back switch (4 - 8 ohm switch)
once i changed it, the amp started to work again in both positions. Bizarre, how can it fix itself like that?


Sadly passed away in 2015
Didn't you read duke37's reply?

As he said, it could a dirty switch. Or maybe dry joints on a switch. Could be the A/B switch or the 4/8-ohm switch, or both.

To find out which, put a continuous signal through the amp and tap or gently push each switch in various directions, to see whether one of them is intermittent.

Or open it up, inspect for dry joints, and clean the switches as duke37 described.