No, I don't know if it's the circuit board. And I don't know if the problem is actually electronic components connected
to that circuit board either. What I assume, from your description that you can 'penci'l over the board and make the contacts work for a while, is that the keyboard itself is the problem in one way or another.
You talked about the 'black' trace on the board for contacts. Are they like the black contact trace in Harald Kapp's photo?
If so, I don't know if you have black carbon covering a copper trace on the board, or if you JUST have carbon AS the trace on that board. If the squiggly line trace on the board is JUST carbon, and you say when you clean that trace it is rubbing off all over the board, then yeah, it would be the black trace on the board that is the problem.
If you can't get parts for your unit, you might consider using your conductive pen (OR A REPAIR KIT DESIGNED FOR THIS), to try to replace the problem trace pattern on the board.
The best way to identify this problem, is to jumper the trace pattern on the board for each key, to make electrical contact and verify that, that particular switch contact is closed (activated), and that you just need to figure-out the best way to ensure contact between the squiggly-line trace is made when the rubber push-button is depressed.
We're trying to help, but we don't even have a picture of what you're seeing there.
We only have what you tell us to go by, and may bark up the wrong tree if we misunderstand your problem.