Maker Pro
Maker Pro

remotely power a led thru bluetooth..

just a simple project for you thats why i needed some help...

i would like to power a LED using a remote from a far, just like a car remote does (but with bluetooth) for the range and obstacles. ive researched some using arduino but is there any simplier way like a usb bluetooth or a powerful IR sensor that punches thru walls..


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
IR simply won't punch through walls -- well, at the 100W level you may be able to burn through a couple of cm of wood, but once it gets to the sensor it will make short work of that too.

RF is the way to go.

By powering a LED, I assume you mean sending a signal causing a circuit to turn it on and off, not providing the actual power to light it?
is there any reason is particular you are using Bluetooth? just a quick summary you are using a specified frequency used to transmit data at up to 24 mbit/s to turn on a LED.....
a very simple solution is get a remote control car of EBAY for $5 rip open the car itself and where the motor is chuck in a resistor and LED.... will work the same pretty much and a lot less coding
Yep thats it steve, its just a signal, sitting there waiting to be turned on. Ill be searching for that Rf after this post tnx for the reply..

Thats funny donkey hehe, but its for my thesis. Now for sure im gonna use bluetooth for the range. What items do i need to know and what type of bluetooth is out there? Maybe thats the rf steve is talking about..


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The issue with bluetooth is that it's a complete protocol stack in addition to the RF stuff. And that protocol stack goes right the way up to the application level.

You probably want something a little lower level than that.

Having said that, here is a tutorial using the arduino and a bluesmurf board. The example is remotely turning on a LED!
like one steve? :D but how with multiple leds and by that using arduino with each led is bulky...
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