Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Remote for 20yr RCA-XL 100

The TV came with a remote that had on/off Sound u/d and Channel u/d.
After the remote died I have tried many universal remotes with no luck.
Anyone have a suggestion?

Andrew Rossmann

[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent
to the cited author.]

The TV came with a remote that had on/off Sound u/d and Channel u/d.
After the remote died I have tried many universal remotes with no luck.
Anyone have a suggestion?

Have you tried a OneForAll brand universal remote? These tend to do
quite well.

Smitty Two

Andrew Rossmann said:
[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent
to the cited author.]

The TV came with a remote that had on/off Sound u/d and Channel u/d.
After the remote died I have tried many universal remotes with no luck.
Anyone have a suggestion?

Have you tried a OneForAll brand universal remote? These tend to do
quite well.

Dropping in pretty late here, and maybe this has been suggested, but did
you isolate the problem as one of transmission (remote) as opposed to
reception (tv)?

I had a Sony of that vintage or older, and the remote problems with
which I struggled for a while turned out to be electrically dirty
battery contacts. They looked shiny, but they weren't letting much
current through. An abrasive cleaning restored the unit.