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Relocating - need advice

  • Thread starter AntiriadElectronics
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Jim Thompson

On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 12:10:19 -0700, Jim Thompson wrote:
I was working part-time (1959-1962) in Building 20 of MIT, taking home
about $20/week and my wife's take-home from EG&G was about $65/week.

I got a job as a technician for the EE dept when I started school (6/70),
connections and all that. I was paid $.20 less than minimum, until they
found that that was illegal, even for a state school. I then got a raise
to $1.60/hr. After I soon got to $.25 above minimum and graduated at the
grand sum of $2.25/hr. ..for 20hrs per week (max when classes were in
session). I was offered more by other departments (and loaned out to
some), but thought the experience in the EE department, and sticking to
one gun, was better. After I graduated, my hiring manager thought so too. ;-)
We did alright, bought a washing machine, a TV set, and a car (1961
Renault Dauphine, new), and had our first daughter in January of my
senior year.

We had a lot of help from the parents.

We didn't. My parents, mother in particular, were all in a snit
because we got married. So we didn't speak again until after the
first granddaughter was born.
My mother held the paper on our
"mobile home" and the wife came home with a car-load of groceries from her
parents. S dropped out of school (Fine Arts at UIUC) to work in a nursing
home cleaning butts, to make a buck to pay the bills. SHe moved up to
making salads in a resteraunt, then to playing games (entertainment
director) with the old-folks in another nursing home.

N worked at Honeywell, Raytheon and EG&G.
We're still together after 34 years. friends, though we're
individual enough to have fun in our own circles too.

We're at 45 years and still going strong!

...Jim Thompson

John Larkin

<shrug> Not Bostow baked scrod (what is that?), yum!

A scrod is a young codfish. Also the punchline of a dirty joke.

Crap! Other than barely acceptable coffee DD is only a place for cops to
loiter around. ;-)

Much better than Krispy Kreem, in my opinion. They make a decent
latte, but you have to convince them that you actually want it hot.
Gack. It's whole-bellies or nutin'.

Of what? CRUD?

They drive you around Old Boston then drive full-tilt into the Charles
River. It was fun.


Bob Monsen

Jim said:
Boston: Great restaurants, Legal Seafood is one of my favorites but,
indeed, insane drivers, and the snottiest people on the face of the
earth, at least in the city proper.

Typical response when asking driving directions in Boston: "You can't
get there from here..."

They also generally take those 'one way' signs as purely advisory in nature.

Oh, I forgot to mention 'jimmies', iced coffee, mixins, and grinders...

Bob Monsen

If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has
so much as to be out of danger?
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1877

Rich Grise

The San Diego area is one of the most attractive in North America,

There are no ugly people in San Diego. There's a checkpoint on I-5,
where they turn away the ugly people. So, hope you're good-looking! ;-)


John Larkin

There are no ugly people in San Diego. There's a checkpoint on I-5,
where they turn away the ugly people. So, hope you're good-looking! ;-)


There's a continuous gradation of people in California from the Mexico
border up to Oregon. In the South, they are gorgeous, fit, mindless,
materialistic, and plastic. Up North, they are nice, thoughtful,
sincere, and homely. I live right in the middle.


Jim Thompson

There's a continuous gradation of people in California from the Mexico
border up to Oregon. In the South, they are gorgeous, fit, mindless,
materialistic, and plastic. Up North, they are nice, thoughtful,
sincere, and homely. I live right in the middle.


Right smack in the middle of leftist land ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Ken Taylor

Jim Thompson said:
Ugly women are a uniform distribution ;-)

...Jim Thompson
There's more where there's more beer - less Darwinism. :)


Don Bowey

Ugly women are a uniform distribution ;-)

Not so. The distribution of ugly women is distorted by the non-uniformity
of the distribution of taverns.



There are no ugly people in San Diego. There's a checkpoint on I-5,
where they turn away the ugly people. So, hope you're good-looking! ;-)
Rich Grise

Actually, the checkpoint is on I-15 at Temecula
--and it's pointed the other direction.
It's not to keep ugly people out;
it's to keep good-looking folks in.

Sometimes entire good-looking families make a break for it.
They've had to post signs for motorist to beware:

Jim Thompson

Not so. The distribution of ugly women is distorted by the non-uniformity
of the distribution of taverns.


And then there's the flag trick ;-)

...Jim Thompson


There are no ugly people in San Diego. There's a checkpoint on I-5,
where they turn away the ugly people. So, hope you're good-looking! ;-)

Gee, doesn't Gay Bacon live in the area? No such flimsy butterfly net is
going to catch him! (I've been through that stop and I guess WASPs
weren't on the most wanted list that day ;-).


A scrod is a young codfish. Also the punchline of a dirty joke.

I thought so too, but I'm told by people in the biz that it's any
whitefish that they happen to find that day. ..thus "what is it?".
Much better than Krispy Kreem, in my opinion. They make a decent latte,
but you have to convince them that you actually want it hot.

McD's law suit makes any corporate suit skittish. Never been to a KK,
since they don't exist in these parts. I can't imagine that DD has 'em
beat though.
They drive you around Old Boston then drive full-tilt into the Charles
River. It was fun.

Yep CRUD, as I suspected.

I wuz gogin to go on a Duck Tour of Toronto, but never got around to it.
We took a boat tour of the harbor instead.

Spehro Pefhany

Gee, doesn't Gay Bacon live in the area? No such flimsy butterfly net is
going to catch him! (I've been through that stop and I guess WASPs
weren't on the most wanted list that day ;-).

Nah, he's in Orange County. More than an hour away under best-case I-5

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany
Salary in San Diego is about 20% higher then national average, so about
70K -80K I would guess, new hires are starting around 65K in Los
Angeles in my company. Of course this is just one example and there are
many variables that can change this, the right experience can easily
get you 100K.

(FWIW Real estate is very high and is out of whack with local average
earnings (unless you supplement your income buying and selling real
estate, which many do), plenty of open land but limited building
permits artificially raises prices, a few of my friends sold their
houses and are renting until the bubble bursts as rental fees are quite
reasonable, I don't know it risky either way, few see reasons for
selling since their house price doubles every 3 years, I don't blame


Nah, he's in Orange County. More than an hour away under best-case I-5

"Best case"? IIRC it only took me two hours, by rental bomb, from
SAN to Palm Springs, right by Escondido, including the slowdown for the
"paper check".