Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Reducing noise from sensors and implementing multiplexing system


A micro-controller needs to take all of the inputs of 12 digital sensors and 6 analog sensors at 5 minute intervals.

1.The raw output from the sensors are now having a lot of noise that needs to befiltered/conditioned with appropriate hardware/software design

2.The output of the 6 Analog sensors (Flow sensors, TDS sensors, Turbidity sensors) are as follows

a.2 sensors whose output varies between30-35 Hz

b.2 sensors whose output varies between 12-24 VDC

c.2 sensors whose output varies between 100-500mA

You will need to design appropriate amplification system wherever needed

3.Due to the limitations of GPIO pins in the board a multiplexing system should be designed that would enable the controller to read all the inputs.


Microcontroller: You could take your preferred microcontroller

You are required to design/implement a system that could potentially solve all the problems. A brief write-up of the approach you decided was optimum, your reasoning and most importantly proof (screen-shots, pictures and snippets of simulations, source-code etc.) to validate that you made it work should also be attached along.

Any help would be appreciated! Im new to electronics!!

Harald Kapp

Welcome to eelctronicspoint.

What have you done so far to arrive at or come near a solution to the task yourself?
Im new to electronics!!
So you would teach yourself to swim by jumping into the shark tank?

Is what you have posted just an overview of the task with more technical data to follow, or is that all there is?

Some questions that come to mind: What is the character of the interfering noise? Are the sensor signals balanced/differential or single-ended/ground-referenced? Sensor output impedance? How many GPIO input lines are available? What power supply voltages are available? Are there requirements for analog accuracy? Provisions for calibration & trimming?


Hop - AC8NS
Gee, is this a classroom assignment? Are you actually expected to design, build and demonstrate something that works? Who gave you those "design specifications" and why are they so vague and lacking in specific design goals? I agree with @Laplace: it looks like you have jumped into the shark tank without learning how to swim first.