The OP's problem is that he doesn't understand that in order to bump
The current I measure is after ignition....I'm guessing that the
somewhat crypic comment
means that a very large current is drawn during ignition, and that the
reversed zeners and resistors are stopping this current from being
drawn. If so then back to the drawing board.
a few volts up to the 15kV or so required to strike the arc required
by the ignitor he'll need to keep the impedance of the substitute
supply down to what batteries look like, milliohms.
Because of that, his assessment of the current required to do the
job is flawed.
The current I measure is after ignition....I'm guessing that the
somewhat crypic comment
Because of that, his assessment of the current required to do the
job is flawed.
means that a very large current is drawn during ignition, and that the
reversed zeners and resistors are stopping this current from being
drawn. If so then back to the drawing board.