Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Recycling electronics

Hello to Members!
I'm from a company at Budapest, Hungary where we are doing WEEE recycling (not refurbisment or part recovery but material recycling!).
I am very much interested in your advices about the proper handling of special electronic parts which may contain hazardous materials. I want to save my workers health from harmful components.
I suppose to put usually my questions regarding components that were manufactured 10-15 years ago, so that I hope I can depend on the knowledge of some professionals of my age as well.
Many thanks for your helps in advance!
Hi Ervin
About the only thing I feel qualified to say is that I am completely unqualified to give even casual advice about handling stuff like the beryllium oxide of your other post.

I hope you can find qualified advice though because I have heard that beryllium is even worse than mercury, which is already bad enough.

The more I say, the less it will mean, so why not find a qualified professional and get a proper answer.
In the US, there are often health/safety engineers at large companies that get involved in such things (we had a crackerjack one where I used to work and I got to interact with him a lot because our high-tech manufacturing line had all kinds of serious hazards). I would be quite surprised if you couldn't find one as a consultant somewhere in Europe. You definitely want a professional, as there's a lot to know and the consequences of making a mistake are serious.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You have received good advice, and my silence in this was initially due to reasons along the lines of Poor Mystic's post.
Thanks answering me poor mystic!
My problem is not the unawareness of BeO hazards - info can be found (m)anywhere The reason of making enquiries in this forum is that electronics manufacturers should know the most what they built in and where.
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