Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Really dumb Multisim question

  • Thread starter Michael A. Covington
  • Start date

Michael A. Covington

OK folks... This is probably a RYFM question, but...

I'm trying to use Multisim after about 4 years of not having done any
circuit simulation.

I can't get a 555 relaxation oscillator to work, and I can't even simulate
the charging of a capacitor. (Hook up a 12-volt source with negative side
grounded, 1k resistor, 1uF capacitor, all in series... put the virtual
oscilloscope on the high side of the capacitor... flip the switch... and
it's at V+ all the time; we don't get to see it charge.)

I seem to recall something about having to tell it that the capacitors start
out with zero charge. Is that right? What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks!

Michael A. Covington

Got the answer (even though a quick look at the manual did not reveal it)...

You have to double-click on a wire and choose "Use IC [initial condition]
for transient analysis" and set the wire to 0 volts, or whatever. Then
Multisim will know the capacitor is supposed to charge. Otherwise it will
find a dc equilibrium point and stay there, perfectly balanced, forever...

Now can someone tell me why Multisim 6.11 is giving so many "Memory error"
pop-ups under Windows XP? Admittedly this is not the latest release of

Chaos Master

rm -rf /home/Michael A. Covington:
Now can someone tell me why Multisim 6.11 is giving so many "Memory error"
pop-ups under Windows XP? Admittedly this is not the latest release of

Try using it in Windows 95/98 compatibility mode.


Michael A. Covington

Chaos Master said:
rm -rf /home/Michael A. Covington:

Try using it in Windows 95/98 compatibility mode.

Useful suggestion. Thanks!

Michael A. Covington

Now can someone tell me why Multisim 6.11 is giving so many "Memory

In Win98/Me mode, it can't see its dongle. In Win2000 mode, it runs, and
time will tell whether this helps with the memory problem. There is also an
NT4 compatibility mode.

I do wonder how much difference there could be between Win2000 and WinXP!

Chaos Master

rm -rf /home/Michael A. Covington:
I do wonder how much difference there could be between Win2000 and WinXP!

Windows XP, AFAIK, is just the nice graphical themes, over Win 2000, and some
networking utilities removed. Since I rarely use XP (I am a Win 98 user for
mantaining old hardware)...
