Maker Pro
Maker Pro

"Real WMV", 148.50 mhz sample-rate, 1920 X 1080 progressive scan image, "object data" bit-rate of 1



The minimum bit-rate required is so interesting yet so confusing. Is
there a mathematical equation in which I can find the lowest bit-rate

Yes. I gave you a couple of useful Wikipedia links about Information
Theory in the long post I wrote especially for you, that you were
obviously too lazy to read.


Thats because there is no info available as to how low a bit-rate that
a WMV encoder will tolerate.

Of course there is. It'll be listed in the documentation for the
particular encoder library module.
WMV compressors aren't available.

Bull. You can freely download at least three different WMV codec
packages from Microsofts website, & there are a couple of Open Source
(ie; free, & well documented) codecs that will read &/or write WMVs.

Bob Myers

You are talking about slowing the data rate, slow-motion and decreasing
the baud-rate. I don't want any of that. I want the frame-rates to
remain fast. The only thing I want compressed is the color-depth.

And for the Nth time, I'll tell you that you can't do that at the
bit/byte rates you're talking about. It's up to you at this point to
learn why this is so, since you've apparently ignored any number
of very clear explanations.

Bob M.