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Re: Audio Precision System One Dual Domani Measuirement Systems


David Looser

Geoffrey S. Mendelson said:
As for the war not happening at all, if the King of England, who was a
fascist supporter had not been forced to abdicate, when Germany invaded
the Studentenland, he would not of declared war on Germany.

"He" wouldn't have had the choice. It was the British government that
declared war, not the King. Its entirely true that Edward VIII was at odds
with the Government, and the Wallace Simpson affair gave them the excuse
they needed to get rid of him. But he wouldn't have been able to stop
Britain declaring war even had he still been the King in 1939.
If Germany had kept its nonagression pact with the Soviet Union, and been
satisifed with Europe, there may not have been a "world" war.
That seems to me to be the biggest "if" all. It seems that the invasion of
the Soviet Union was Hitler's ultimate aim all along, the other invasions:
Czechoslovakia, Poland, France etc. were just "warm-ups" for the main event.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson

Dave said:
You have a strange idea of the power of the monarch in the UK. He would
have done as he was told or face the consequences. If he wasn't allowed to
marry who he wanted (and stay king), do you really think he could
influence something far more important like a declaration of war?

The marriage bit was a red herring. It was the cleaned up for the public
version of getting rid of him because he was a fascist. If he was not
deposed, it would have meant that there was sufficient support for the
fascists in the UK to keep him in power.

Assuming that support did exist, then one can easily (at least I can)
speculate that he would of not declared war on Germany until they
attacked the UK.

Didn't the UK sign a non-agression pact with Germany over the Studetenland in
September of 1938?

With a King and Parliment supporting the fascists, how far could
Germany have gone without the UK declaring war?


Geoffrey S. Mendelson

David said:
That seems to me to be the biggest "if" all. It seems that the invasion of
the Soviet Union was Hitler's ultimate aim all along, the other invasions:
Czechoslovakia, Poland, France etc. were just "warm-ups" for the main event.

Of course it's a big if, but assuming that after Germany occupied continental
Europe to the Soviet Union, with no one attacking them, it's not impossible.

If, as I said in a previous post, there was enough fascist support in the
UK to leave Germany alone and the Soviet Union kept to their nonagression
pact, Hitler may have been satisfied with what he had.

I'm sure he had many reasons to attack the Soviet Union, IMHO one of them
was to reduce the capability of the UK and the US by diverting supplies
from the US to the Soviet Union.

Bear in mind that the Soviet Union lost over 20 million citizens during the
war, and I think that faced with a loss of that size, even Stalin would
of sat on his hands, as it were, if he could have avoided it.


Dave Plowman (News)

The marriage bit was a red herring. It was the cleaned up for the public
version of getting rid of him because he was a fascist. If he was not
deposed, it would have meant that there was sufficient support for the
fascists in the UK to keep him in power.

It was no red herring. The Church of England in those days had a great
deal of influence. And a future king was simply not allowed to marry a
divorcee. Even after WW2, a princess was banned from marrying one too -
and there was little chance of her ever becoming queen. Things are
different now.

BTW, simply because someone is a fascist doesn't mean to say he'll support
each and every other one in a different country. Any more than a communist

J G Miller

It seems that the invasion of the Soviet Union was Hitler's ultimate
aim all along, the other invasions: Czechoslovakia, Poland, France etc.
were just "warm-ups" for the main event.

My understanding was that the most important strategic reason for the
eastward invasion was to take hold of the oil refineries and wells
in Grozny and Baku which were needed to keep the German
industrial-military complex going and of course to deny these
supplies to the USSR which was dependent upon them.

David Looser

Geoffrey S. Mendelson said:
The marriage bit was a red herring.
Your understanding of the British constitution appears to be extremely weak.

The "marriage issue" was no red herring, it was a genuine constitutional
issue. The monarch is the head of the Church of England, and the Church
banned the re-marriage of divorcees.
It was the cleaned up for the public
version of getting rid of him because he was a fascist. If he was not
deposed, it would have meant that there was sufficient support for the
fascists in the UK to keep him in power.

How do you work that one out? Deposing a King is a very unlikely event, and
its *not* happening would have proved nothing about support for the fascists
in the UK.
Assuming that support did exist, then one can easily (at least I can)
speculate that he would of not declared war on Germany until they
attacked the UK.
Again you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that it was *his*
choice whether to declare war or not. It was not, that choice lay with the
government. Had Edward VIII still been King in 1939 he'd have been told in
no uncertain terms to keep his views to himself and play the role of
national fugurehead as the government directed.
Didn't the UK sign a non-agression pact with Germany over the Studetenland
September of 1938?

Yes, Chamberlain's famous "bit of paper" which applied only to the
Sudetenland; Chamberlain naively thought that Hitler would be satisfied with
that, history shows how misguided Chamberlain was. Britain also had a much
more significant military pact with Poland which was unaffected by the "bit
of paper".
With a King and Parliment supporting the fascists, how far could
Germany have gone without the UK declaring war?
Eh! where does this "and Parliament" bit come from? What makes you think
parliament would ever have supported the fascists?


J G Miller

but did not do so well on the UHF station that was started up by a
local university, even with a UHF converter with extra amplification.

Was WTVS actually *started* by Wayne State University though?

From <http://www.dptv.ORG/aboutus/history.shtml>


Detroit Public Television (DPTV) began broadcasting in 1955 as
WTVS Channel 56, a non-commercial, educational TV station licensed
to the Detroit Educational Television Foundation.


From <http://media.wayne.EDU/2011/03/25/wayne-state-university-and-detroit-public-tv>


In the 1950s and 1960s, Wayne State's University Television *co-produced*
educational, entertainment, and public affairs programs with DPTV.


J G Miller

I have no information that seriously conflicts with published
authorities. I was just working off of memories of the day.

Well the fact that a lot of the early programs were co-productions
with Wayne State would tend to suggest to viewers that WTVS was
started by the Wayne State it-self.

I was not able to find anything else on the web of the history
of WTVS and I wonder if some of the first board members of
Detroit Public Television were perhaps linked to WSU.

On the radio dial, as you know, WSU owns and operates WDET,
but in fact WSU did not start the station. It was originally
WUAW and started and operated by the UAW in 1948 who sold it
to WSU for USD 1 in 1952. This is the reason why WDET, although
a public station, operates on a commercial frequency 101,9 MHz
and not in the reserved public broadcasting sub-band.

So perhaps unlike other larger and more prosperous universities,
WSU did not have the resources to launch a radio station its-self
and the even higher startup costs of a TV station were just out of
the question?

Maybe you could make some inquiries with local historians?

J G Miller

Have you dug through the FCC broadcast database?

No, but a quick check now in the ownership database records
pulls up the oldest record available as being from 1979,


and this only shows the applicant name Detroit Educational
Television Foundation, with no details of the managing committee.

My question related to 1955 and whether any of the management
committe of DETF were in fact from, or affliated to, Wayne State University.

J G Miller

All FCC records are supposed to be there, somewhere.


Using the search facility at


returns no record before 1979 under the item

Consolidated Public Database System – Application Search Results

and no record before 2001 under the item

Consolidated Public Database System – Ownership Report Search
Has the station always had the same call letters?

To the best of my knowledge since it went on air in 1955, it
has always been WTVS

J. P. Gilliver (John)

Michael A. said:
If they could have afforded a decent TV amp in the '50s or '60s, they
could have bought a better tv for less than the amp & the Muntz TV.
But if they'd already got the Muntz TV?
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G.5AL-IS-P--Ch++(p)Ar@T0H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

Intelligence isn't complete without the full picture and the full picture is
all about doubt. Otherwise, you go the way of George Bush. - baroness Eliza
Manningham-Buller (former head of MI5), Radio Times 3-9 September 2011.

J. P. Gilliver (John)

In message <[email protected]>, Geoffrey S.
Mendelson said:
So while it would of been likely that the US did not enter the war in 1941
if there was no attack on Pearl Harbor, eventually Roosevelt would have found
a way, or an attack would of happened.

As for the war not happening at all, if the King of England, who was a
fascist supporter had not been forced to abdicate, when Germany invaded
the Studentenland, he would not of declared war on Germany.

I love "Studentenland" (-:! ["It's those damn students making trouble
If Germany had kept its nonagression pact with the Soviet Union, and been
satisifed with Europe, there may not have been a "world" war.

Not likely, but a long train of "ifs" that were possible.
Accompanied by several "would of"s - but, puzzlingly, not entirely:
there are at least two "would have"s as well.

William Sommerwerck

The larger numbers look very wrong. You don't need anywhere nearly that much
current to kill someone.

1,0004,300 mA? Not only is it overly precise, but 1000A will cook someone,
not just kill them.