Tape what?
The cable connector, of course. It might keep it in place for a while.
I have an extra tv but would liek to fix this one as it is a little
bigger. I know to unplug the tv. I have a soldering iron. I just need a
pencil tip. What else do i need?
Sorry, but by your questions, I think you need a whole *raft* of
experience that you don't have. If you feel like getting some of it on
this set, have at it. The worst you can do (if you don't kill/injure
yourself) is totally destroy the set. From the tenor of your post, I
think that's 75%-95% likely. Used TV sets are cheap. If you're doing
this only to save money, forget it.
Read the entire repairfaq before even approaching with screwdriver (you
do have one of those?).