Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Rca tv problem, can I do this for a fix?


I have posted about my 90's model RCA tv certain channels going out
then coming back on. I can make them come back by jiggeling the rf
connector in the back.

I read something about somone taking a small guage wire and soldering
the tuner shield to a ground to eliminate all the soldering. Since I am
an inexperienced ciruit board solderer, would this be feasible to do?
DO I understand that right? They soldered a wire from the metal tuner
cover to a ground?

Ralph Mowery


I have posted about my 90's model RCA tv certain channels going out
then coming back on. I can make them come back by jiggeling the rf
connector in the back.

I read something about somone taking a small guage wire and soldering
the tuner shield to a ground to eliminate all the soldering. Since I am
an inexperienced ciruit board solderer, would this be feasible to do?
DO I understand that right? They soldered a wire from the metal tuner
cover to a ground?

RCA had many problems with the solder. Especially around the tuner. You
may have to take the top of the tuner and solder everything you see,
especially the solder traces around the shielding can. Then put the lid
back on.

I have not taken this off yet. Is this a hard repair? Where and what is
the sheilding can?

I have noticed that wiggeling the rf connector makes thie picture come

I really appreciate your help.


Wiggle it some more and it will break off..
You will need a Mag Glass and fine tip iron to repair the shield.
Now if you dont know what the shield is then take the TV to a repair shop.
Do a Google on it....There is plenty of info there....

Are you calling the shield the cover to the tuner?

I have a gun not the pencil tip kind but I can get one.

I have limited income due to a baby and would like to fix it myself.
Plus the tv is very heavy.

Since it gets better when wiggeling the rf connector, could this be the
only problem?

Wait, are you talking about the shield for the rf conenctor? I think I
first misunderstood you. ou are saying repair the solder joints for the
ground for the rf conenctor, right?


Do a Google....
No ! I say if you wiggle the connector YOU will break it off.
The tuner shield is the fault.....
Like I said before you will need a fine tip Iron NOT a Gun type.
This repair is beyond you ..Why not let a Pro repair it .

Can you explain what the tuner shield is? (For my own knoweledge)

I think I cna repair this with some help. I dont have alot of money to
take it somewhere plus the thing weighs a ton.

Would the soldering problem apply to me? My chasis number is: ctc169xxx
The ones I read with this problem were ctc173xxxx to 183xxx.

Could the sodler still be my problem?


I have been reading some more and it seems some have solved the
probelem by just resoldering the bottom of the tuner shield to the
board. AM I understanding that right?


Ok Pull out the Tuner remove the covers and get that Mag Glass out...
Look for dry solder joints,these are not easy to do on the 169 tuners.

Good Luck

Why is it not easy to do ont he 169? The only picture I could find on
the net was a 175 or so here:

Does the 169 look like that?

What exactly do you mean by a "dry" joint? Where solder has come off
the board? (Like what happens in a cold joint as I call it.)

Do I first need a de soldering tool to "desolder" the joint?

I really appreciate your patience and help.


Ok...Enough.. Call a TV shop let them repair it.
Its way over your head..


OK.... you said you do not have enough money to have it properly repaired
by a shop so I guess for sure that you do not have enough money to replace
the television.
I am not trying to say you are not capable of repairing things BUT due to
the nature of you continued questions and lacking the proper tools and
experience, it is my opinion that you are way out of your league here.
Take it to a repair shop for a proper and SAFE repair or at the very least
get a repair cost estimate so you can make an intelligent repair decision
with facts instead of guesses. TAKE it to a shop for and estimate... a
phone call will just be wild guesses.
With a baby on the way.... you certainly want a SAFE repair and the baby
needs a daddy..... so don't open it up unless you know what you are doing.


sofie said:
OK.... you said you do not have enough money to have it properly repaired
by a shop so I guess for sure that you do not have enough money to replace
the television.
I am not trying to say you are not capable of repairing things BUT due to
the nature of you continued questions and lacking the proper tools and
experience, it is my opinion that you are way out of your league here.
Take it to a repair shop for a proper and SAFE repair or at the very least
get a repair cost estimate so you can make an intelligent repair decision
with facts instead of guesses. TAKE it to a shop for and estimate... a
phone call will just be wild guesses.
With a baby on the way.... you certainly want a SAFE repair and the baby
needs a daddy..... so don't open it up unless you know what you are doing.

....and in the meantime, tape it over with gobs of plastic tape so that
it doesn't move (don't laugh--I've seen this...worse yet, I've seen it
work--for a while, at least)


Tape what?

I have an extra tv but would liek to fix this one as it is a little
bigger. I know to unplug the tv. I have a soldering iron. I just need a
pencil tip. What else do i need?