Maker Pro
Maker Pro

RCA TV - Help needed with overscan correction



Flippin won't take the Tompson item to a pro for service so might as well
buy a cheapo you can toss rather than continue this rant, Eh Dude??

What rant? My set doesn't need a pro. I don't need an Apex. And this
thread doesn't need you.

Leonard Caillouet

Cross posting removed

Karyudo said:
What rant? My set doesn't need a pro. I don't need an Apex. And this
thread doesn't need you.

A problem with the "take it to a pro" refrain that we hear constantly from a
few on this group is that there are a relatively few "pros" in any given
market. Additionally, from the descriptions it is pretty obvious that there
is nothing wrong with your set and any "pro" would not be interested in
modifying the circuit to get a few percent of overscan out of it.

There are lots of consumers that want to better understand and want to be
able to tweak their products. There is nothing wrong with this. As I have
cautioned, one should not undertake design changes without understanding the
circuit and the potential consequences fully, but I can certainly understand
the desire to squeeze the best performance out of a product. A lot of techs
obviously do not, as evidenced by the poor performance that follows many
service events.

The fact is that there are lots of really half-assed "pros" out there who do
not understand the market that they pretend to serve and do a lousy job on
many of the products that they service. Being good with the electronics is
one skill. Understanding the client is another. Some techs are good at one
or the other. Some are lousy at both.

That said, I would recommend that you develop a relationship with the best
of the service pros in your area. Chances are that there is someone who
stands out. You will likely get more attention and help when you have a
question. Had one of my regular clients asked me to borrow a manual to
tweak his set I would be more than happy to loan them to him and would give
him reasonable cautions about screwing something up.
