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RC4558P opamp replacement

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Hi guys,
I have a Kenwood KT7500 tuner that has a noise(when it feels like it) coming from the opamp(traced the signal path before it and it goes away). My question is are there other op-amps that will take the place of the RC4558P that is there without modifying anything? When changing these, is there bias' that must be checked? Sorry, if I could get the concept of electronics into my head I wouldn't ask questions I guess. Thanks.

Moderators note : replaced commercial link with manufacturers link
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Without the schematic it is impossible to be absolutely certain. You can check sources such as Electrotanya to hunt for it.

The 4558 was a good part in its time, an improved version of the basic 741 concept. However, not long after it came out, Signetics dropped the NE5532 / 5533 / 5534. This part changed everything. Still relatively power hungry, but with noise and distortion specs that just killed. It deserved its title, the world's first "audio opamp". I have retrofitted them into professional videotape machines, bass and keyboard amplifiers, stereos. National / TI calls theirs the LM5534.

The true audio crazies like a part inspired by the 5534, the Burr-Brown (now also a part of TI) OPA134 / 2134 / 4134. A typical comment is that it sounds cleaner or smoother. With crazy low distortion figures, it is the king of DIY audio.



  • NE5532-D.PDF
    134.5 KB · Views: 1
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