Maker Pro
Maker Pro

quick lcd programming question



Ok, I've seen plenty of software for lcd's that have onboard charactor roms
(ie. 44780) everywhere.

I have a few lcds without the charactor roms, hmmm I know I have to
predefine my charactors before hand just not sure how the program structure
should look like. Just need a example to build on.

thanxs :)

Rene Tschaggelar

Darkage said:
Ok, I've seen plenty of software for lcd's that have onboard charactor roms
(ie. 44780) everywhere.

I have a few lcds without the charactor roms, hmmm I know I have to
predefine my charactors before hand just not sure how the program structure
should look like. Just need a example to build on.

Some have the pixels as bytemask vertical. EG byte0 is topleft,
the first 8 bits vertical. Byte1 is the next 8 bit vertical to the right,
and so on.

Give it a try with
random values.
