Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Questions about Nikola Tesla


Daniel Mandic

Bob said:
This will come as a great surprise to those who have been
operating the Spirit and Opportunity rovers on Mars. Are
you planning on letting them know?

Bob M.

laggy, laggy....

They know it, that I know it what they know. Proove me if I am wrong...

Best regards,

Daniel Mandic

Grostle News to an existing broadcast radio
transmitter..... you can light up bulbs and
extract some power l

Yes, I have heard of that, it is incredible!! I've never seen it done,
but would like to.

In a similar situation, many years ago, as a boy I would recieve a good,
strong radio signal from just about any crystal set configuration I
concocted because there was an AM station about one mile away that
broadcasted at 50KWatts!!

Instead of an earphone I could attach a woofer size permenant magnet
type speaker to a crystal set and listen to music in our living room
from an easy chair. My parents were impressed because the system ran
without batteries or wall voltage. I used the telephone lines as an
antenna and attached a good ground, together collecting enough power
from the station transmitter to run the radio at speaker audible levels.
It, however, only received the one station (KFWB 98kc).

You said:
...moving a distance away, the power starts
dropping off. Which is the whole point of high
power transmitters, they need to be high power
because at the receiver end the signal drop to
miniscule levels.

Yes, and along with the high power requirements I think the Tesla
transmitter system also used the earth as a ground, where to receive the
electric power transmission a person used both a receiving antenna and a
solid earth connection.

saxum g.n.