Bob Myers said:
I'M being dishonest? Floyd, I didn't type those
words - YOU did.
You stated the definition was for the Nyquist Rate,
which indeed something I had posted. But what you
quoted was not that definition but one for the Nyquist
Theorem, and claimed it gives the standard definition
for the Nyquist Rate. It doesn't, and that was very
clearly a less than honest attempt to make it appear to
be ambiguous. It isn't.
If you don't agree with them
now, that's not my problem.
It is is if you quote A and claim it is B.
Or if you intended
something else, simply say so. But if anyone is
being dishonest, or at the very least doing a rather
transparent job of back-pedaling like a madman,
it's clearly you.
You are not winning points for integrity there either.
And you're doing it again. >I< am not the one who said
anything about it relating to the "highest frequency to be
sampled." It's quite plain that I related the minimum
sampling rate to the bandwidth of the signal to be sampled,
not its "highest frequency." And when this correct form
is used, all comes out correctly. Funny how that happens.
Read what you said again. Regardless, it is not merely
twice the bandwidth either and that is just as wrong as
what you did say.
For one who complains loudly and longly when others
use what you consider to be "insults," you are certainly
I don't complain about insults. I do complain when they
are gratuitous. The above is not a gratuitous insult,
it is simply the truth based on what you have posted.
If you cannot get the basics right, we cannot go on to
anything more technical. I'm sorry if that insults you,
but that a valid statement based only on what you have
said here, and is not at all gratuitous.
quick yourself with the snide and sarcastic comments.
Are you familiar with the story of the pot and the kettle
discussing their color?
I'm sorry that you either do not read English or cannot
be honest. Take your pick, it has to be one or the
other. I have *never* complained just because someone
said something insulting.
And again, "highest frequency component" is at best
misleading, and at worst completely incorrect.
You'd think you would learn by now. A whole lot of
industry experts agreed to putting *that* definition
into the Federal Standard 1037C glossary.
I'm sure you know better than all of them... and that
is why I can find several references to cite that support
exactly what I've claimed, and you can't cite even a single
You comments to date, though, have demonstrated
nothing but a complete lack of understanding of just
what the above actually means.
So you say, but then you haven't demonstrated nearly the
understanding that I have.
At this point, Floyd, it should be obvious to the few hardy
souls still following this thread that it is you against basically
everyone else.
First, that isn't true at all. Second, I guess it
wouldn't be surprising that you might think a head count
of posters on Usenet has logical significance, given
your other illogical argumentation. I do grant that you
are supported by the loudest and most ignorant of the people
who posted. What does that say for you?
This is either due to your being the sole
person in the entire readership of this group who understands
Or that you can't count?
these matters - which I find highly unlikely, especially given
your inability to actually explain anything - or, as most have
appear to have already agreed to be the case, that you are
simply an utterly unimaginative wretch who attempts to use
Hmmm... gratuitousness is not a blessing when it comes to
recitation of texts learned by rote to make up for a lack of
any real understanding or a willingness to even attempt to learn
In fact I've probably been working with digital systems
for significantly longer than most of those who have
demonstrated their lack of understanding, including you.
But I am not dumb enough to cite my own opinion as the
sole source of information. You are. I'm not so silly
as to state my opinion without providing references to
authoritative sources that support it. You are.
Now you have the audacity to say that because I can and
do cite authoritative sources to support my opinions,
that it is *I* who has a lack of understanding. You on
the other hand have yet to cite *anything*, supporting
or otherwise. You can't, we all know it; because there
are no authoritative sources that agree with you.
Try being at least a little bit rational in your
comments, please. It is embarrassing for me to have
people who do understand this topic read a thread where
I actually continue stubbornly to argue with someone who
comes up with the above sort of comment and actually
thinks it is valid.
In any case, this is the end of the line. I've wasted more than
enough time here, and it's ending now.
You wasted a lot of *everyone's* time. I hope you are
finally being honest, and do cease posting nonsense.