Frank wrote:
Digital circles??? Now we're really going off the deep end.
A hit already! Ah the power of words. Metaphors-r-us. Clearly I should
have said "digital people going round in analogue circles". When
~everyone~ has lost all sense of perspective, the sense of humour is the
first casualty.
How about a "quantized circle" then - an octagon?
Digital is a series of square waves. I know because I can see them on
my 'scope. Think of TTL.
Oh gosh, one of the standard waveforms on an analogue synth is the
square wave. I think people were doing that before TTL was actually
invented. Moog had PCM (meaning, variable duty-cycle) square waves
coming out of his VCO in 1966, if not earlier. What about a sawtooth
wave? That's a series of straight lines too.
It is a well-known and well-documented fact that a digitally sampled
circle, regardless of the sampling rate, *cannot* be converted back
into a perfect analog circle. The mathematical proof of this was
presented at a meeting of the Royal Society in 1681. Look it up.
Interesting! In 1681 too! The first use of the word "digital" not
connoting fingers. Exactly how does one sample a circle with ones fingers?
This is fun!
Richard Dobson