Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Quadrupole Magnet


John Fields

You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet.
They cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

If you know where I can score some on the cheap let me know. But I'm
workin on a way of building them myself. You have to position magnets
into a perfect circle inside of steel to hold them in place and keep
the magnetized energy uniform. The circle you need varies in
dimensions depending on the size and strength of the magnets. And the
quality and focus of the magnet is something that is very hard to
reproduce. My prototype didn't even spin right, when I rotated a
magnet underneath it like you see in the video.

But my experiment is all set to move forward, and you can make fun of
me if you want. But once the parts arive I'll upload another YouTube
video of the perpetual motion machine in action.

One magnet will be fixed to a low voltage 0.3v motore, which will turn
the other magnet attached to the 1.5v wind genereator. A capacitor
will run energy between the motor and generator. And we will see what
happens. I expect the motor to generate enough energy to power itself
because if I use the minimum strength the magnets need to rotate the
only friction created comes from the motors axis rotating in the air.

Anyway it will be fun to see how it works.

Yes, it will, and don't let anyone discourage you from conducting
your experiments.

Whether it's possible or not is something you'll find out for
yourself and, if it fails, at least you'll have tried and not let
someone else stop you from trying without at least giving it a shot.

Rich Grise

Well the guy who is letting me hold these magnets gave them to me so I
could build a perpetual motion machine. But he didn't tell me what they
were, and it wasn't untill this christmas that I discovered them again.
So I owe it to him to experiment!

Do you know where else I could score some more of these things, without
selling my soul?

How much did you pay the guy who sold you this one? I can sell you as
many as you want, for only $69.99/lb, plus S & H.

If you're interested, there's also this nifty bridge nearby....

Good Luck!

Rich Grise

Come on now, Don! Don't you have a Quadrupole magnet you'd sell him for
$20K ?:)

Hey, I work in a fab shop. That's machining and welding. I've already
offered him all of the quadrupole magnets he wants for only $69.99/lb,
plus shipping and handling.

I also mentioned my bridge... ;-)


Homer J Simpson

Your soul has already been sold if you think you can build a perpetual
motion machine.

What is the point when you live close enough to a fusion reactor to tap off
free energy?


Homer said:
What is the point when you live close enough to a fusion reactor to tap off
free energy?

Here is a video of the design inside of my quadrupole magnetic motor:

If you are serious about making me quadrupoles like these I will be
happy to buy them from you. But they have to work just like the one in
my other video. :)

Try 'em and let me see the demonstration!


Here is some video on YouTube of my permanent quadrupole magnet. It is
actually a magnet with 4 poles, and they are only found inside of
particle accelerators used in nuclear labrotories.

I found one inside a bycycle lighting altenator.
There is virtually no extra force required to spin
either magnet, and it feels like I am spinning the
quadrupole magnet with free energy.

it's an illusion.
But I don't know how to test the theory.

read a text on thermodynamics.



The OP should be cautioned that everyone who has finally found the trick to
create more energy than provided has disappeared along with their

And their investors' money!
The extra output power feeds back to the input and rips a hole
in space-time which swallows everything and everyone in the vicinity.

That _could_ be one explanation.



If you are serious about making me quadrupoles like these I will be
happy to buy them from you. But they have to work just like the one in
my other video. :)

no thanks your last one nearly locked up my computer.
(as it is the virtual consoles havelost thier display)

macromedia video is a pile of shit find a different way
to share your home movies.


Rich Grise

Here is a video of the design inside of my quadrupole magnetic motor:

If you are serious about making me quadrupoles like these I will be happy
to buy them from you. But they have to work just like the one in my other
video. :)

Try 'em and let me see the demonstration!

What are you willing to pay? I can duplicate your demo, with prettier
magnet assemblies, for only $299.99 per rotor assembly plus $69.95 per
manual driver component.

To email me, use my bogus email address (it's a spam dump) at
[email protected], but elide ard.



S.E.N. is restricted exclusively to card carrying members of the Church of
the Latter Day Crackpots. Of whom Nikoli Tesla is their patron saint.

As to higher pole configurations, there's also a side issue with ANY
magnet arrangement intended to provide levitation. There is a fundamental
proof that it flat out ain't gonna be stable. Unless some sort of gyro
stabilization is added. AKA the Levitron.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at


Hopefully you are ingoring the Diamagnetism examples where it is quite
possible to do so.

Check out:

and levitating a sheet of Graphite with magnets:

Great site that I believe has shown up here from time to time.
