Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Quadrupole Magnet



Here is some video on YouTube of my permanent quadrupole magnet. It is
actually a magnet with 4 poles, and they are only found inside of
particle accelerators used in nuclear labrotories.

In the video I rotate a ceramic magnet in my hands along its horizontal
axis, just partially underneat the quadrupole magnet. And simply
because of the design in the quadrupole magnet, it rotates around its
vertical axis, and because it is a ring shaped magnet with a hole just
small enough for a rotor, it becomes a spinning disk. I do this to
show all 4 poles, and you can see how when I raise the little magnet
above and below the quadrupole magnet, it causes it to spin a half

Does anyone have ideas for parts I could by to run some further
experiments. I want to get a very slow moving, extremely low voltage
motor to spin one of the magnets, and I want to get an equally low
power generator, that can work when the other magnet rotates in the
fields created. There is virtually no extra force required to spin
either magnet, and it feels like I am spinning the quadrupole magnet
with free energy.

But I don't know how to test the theory.


J.A. Legris

CoreyWhite said:
Here is some video on YouTube of my permanent quadrupole magnet. It is
actually a magnet with 4 poles, and they are only found inside of
particle accelerators used in nuclear labrotories.

In the video I rotate a ceramic magnet in my hands along its horizontal
axis, just partially underneat the quadrupole magnet. And simply
because of the design in the quadrupole magnet, it rotates around its
vertical axis, and because it is a ring shaped magnet with a hole just
small enough for a rotor, it becomes a spinning disk. I do this to
show all 4 poles, and you can see how when I raise the little magnet
above and below the quadrupole magnet, it causes it to spin a half

Does anyone have ideas for parts I could by to run some further
experiments. I want to get a very slow moving, extremely low voltage
motor to spin one of the magnets, and I want to get an equally low
power generator, that can work when the other magnet rotates in the
fields created. There is virtually no extra force required to spin
either magnet, and it feels like I am spinning the quadrupole magnet
with free energy.

But I don't know how to test the theory.


What theory? Free energy? Forget it - unless want to wind up as another
internet crackpot. Read this instead:

Quadrupole magnets are nothing special:

These days it's possible to make magnets with many poles. They're often
used in brushless DC motors:


J.A. Legris said:
What theory? Free energy? Forget it - unless want to wind up as another
internet crackpot. Read this instead:

Quadrupole magnets are nothing special:

These days it's possible to make magnets with many poles. They're often
used in brushless DC motors:

Well I am testing the theory out anyway.. :)

I bought a lego wind generator and a few capacitors, from this site and
am going to use a low voltage motor to power the generator with
magnets. And see how much energy I create verses how much I use. It
seems to me that with enough capacitors, I can power the generator long
enough to recharge the capcitors in the series. But it is only an
experiment. generator&by=20&ID=737

Capturing the wind's energy is easier than ever with Pitsco's new wind

Show students how alternative energy is created by harnessing the wind
produced by a table fan. Experimenting with different blade pitches is
a breeze with the front adjustment knob that moves all three blades
simultaneously. The WinDynamo II, which can produce up to a half amp at
1.5 volts, features a stackable banana connector for adding a voltage

This wind generator also comes with an activity board for demonstrating
how to convert the electricity into light, sound, and mechanical
energy. Requires a table fan or real wind; neither are included. Some
of the activities included with the WinDynamo II require the use of a

Jim Thompson

Well I am testing the theory out anyway.. :)

I bought a lego wind generator and a few capacitors, from this site and
am going to use a low voltage motor to power the generator with
magnets. And see how much energy I create verses how much I use. It
seems to me that with enough capacitors, I can power the generator long
enough to recharge the capcitors in the series. But it is only an
experiment. generator&by=20&ID=737

Capturing the wind's energy is easier than ever with Pitsco's new wind

Show students how alternative energy is created by harnessing the wind
produced by a table fan. Experimenting with different blade pitches is
a breeze with the front adjustment knob that moves all three blades
simultaneously. The WinDynamo II, which can produce up to a half amp at
1.5 volts, features a stackable banana connector for adding a voltage

This wind generator also comes with an activity board for demonstrating
how to convert the electricity into light, sound, and mechanical
energy. Requires a table fan or real wind; neither are included. Some
of the activities included with the WinDynamo II require the use of a

Are the ignorant never bothered by fact ?:)

...Jim Thompson

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
Are the ignorant never bothered by fact ?:)

It never seems to bother Phil, or Eeyore, or Homer, or...

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


It never seems to bother Phil, or Eeyore, or Homer, or...

Well, at least they (on occasion) do seem to be bothered by fact ;)



Paul E. Schoen

Michael A. Terrell said:
It never seems to bother Phil, or Eeyore, or Homer, or...

The OP should be cautioned that everyone who has finally found the trick to
create more energy than provided has disappeared along with their
apparatus. The extra output power feeds back to the input and rips a hole
in space-time which swallows everything and everyone in the vicinity.

You will find that cheap multimeters will give better results. Don't use
those with true-RMS, because they lie and tell you that the readings are
too low to prove over-unity. Also, don't use a power meter, because they
too are fooled into giving lower readings. Use really good capacitors with
AC and you can multiply the current by the voltage and find that you get a
lot more "power" out than you put in. Don't be fooled by the fact that the
capacitors don't get hot. The power is being used for relativistic time
dilation. :)


Don Lancaster

Paul said:
The OP should be cautioned that everyone who has finally found the trick to
create more energy than provided has disappeared along with their
apparatus. The extra output power feeds back to the input and rips a hole
in space-time which swallows everything and everyone in the vicinity.

You will find that cheap multimeters will give better results. Don't use
those with true-RMS, because they lie and tell you that the readings are
too low to prove over-unity. Also, don't use a power meter, because they
too are fooled into giving lower readings. Use really good capacitors with
AC and you can multiply the current by the voltage and find that you get a
lot more "power" out than you put in. Don't be fooled by the fact that the
capacitors don't get hot. The power is being used for relativistic time
dilation. :)


For another flock of 'em that just flew over, see

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Paul E. Schoen

Don Lancaster said:
For another flock of 'em that just flew over, see

I don't know if this is credible or not. My initial research shows that
production of hydrogen usually takes 50 kW-h/kG. Thus 1 liter of hydrogen
at STP should be 0.08988 g. The article states 1 W-h for 1 liter, or 11.1
W-H/gram, as compared to 50 W-h/gram. This is a five-fold improvement
rather than 2 to 2.5 as stated, but the competing technology may already be
twice the standard as I noted. Apparently high-temperature electrolysis
doubles normal efficiency.

However, it will always take more energy to produce the hydrogen than can
be extracted from it, so it is only an energy carrier. If the energy source
is essentially free (solar power, waste heat, etc), the conversion back to
electricity seems fairly good at 80% in a fuel cell. I don't know how
efficient a hydrogen powered ICE might be, but at least it would be
essentially pollution free (unless water vapor is a problem).


Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Paul E. Schoen said:
The OP should be cautioned that everyone who has finally found the trick to
create more energy than provided has disappeared along with their
apparatus. The extra output power feeds back to the input and rips a hole
in space-time which swallows everything and everyone in the vicinity.

My clothes dryer uses one of these for a power source. That explains
what happens to all the single socks.

Don Lancaster

Paul said:
My clothes dryer uses one of these for a power source. That explains
what happens to all the single socks.

Not at all.

Geneticists have conclusively proven through DNA that socks are the
larval form of the coathanger.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at


J.A. Legris said:
What theory? Free energy? Forget it - unless want to wind up as another
internet crackpot. Read this instead:

Quadrupole magnets are nothing special:

These days it's possible to make magnets with many poles. They're often
used in brushless DC motors:

You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet.
They cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

If you know where I can score some on the cheap let me know. But I'm
workin on a way of building them myself. You have to position magnets
into a perfect circle inside of steel to hold them in place and keep
the magnetized energy uniform. The circle you need varies in
dimensions depending on the size and strength of the magnets. And the
quality and focus of the magnet is something that is very hard to
reproduce. My prototype didn't even spin right, when I rotated a
magnet underneath it like you see in the video.

But my experiment is all set to move forward, and you can make fun of
me if you want. But once the parts arive I'll upload another YouTube
video of the perpetual motion machine in action.

One magnet will be fixed to a low voltage 0.3v motore, which will turn
the other magnet attached to the 1.5v wind genereator. A capacitor
will run energy between the motor and generator. And we will see what
happens. I expect the motor to generate enough energy to power itself
because if I use the minimum strength the magnets need to rotate the
only friction created comes from the motors axis rotating in the air.

Anyway it will be fun to see how it works.

Jim Thompson

J.A. Legris wrote: [snip]
These days it's possible to make magnets with many poles. They're often
used in brushless DC motors:

You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet.
They cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

If you know where I can score some on the cheap let me know. But I'm
workin on a way of building them myself. You have to position magnets
into a perfect circle inside of steel to hold them in place and keep
the magnetized energy uniform. The circle you need varies in
dimensions depending on the size and strength of the magnets. And the
quality and focus of the magnet is something that is very hard to
reproduce. My prototype didn't even spin right, when I rotated a
magnet underneath it like you see in the video.

But my experiment is all set to move forward, and you can make fun of
me if you want. But once the parts arive I'll upload another YouTube
video of the perpetual motion machine in action.

One magnet will be fixed to a low voltage 0.3v motore, which will turn
the other magnet attached to the 1.5v wind genereator. A capacitor
will run energy between the motor and generator. And we will see what
happens. I expect the motor to generate enough energy to power itself
because if I use the minimum strength the magnets need to rotate the
only friction created comes from the motors axis rotating in the air.

Anyway it will be fun to see how it works.

Could you please take this discussion over to S.E.N
(sci.electronic.nutcases) where it belongs ?:)

...Jim Thompson

Don Lancaster

Jim said:
J.A. Legris wrote:
These days it's possible to make magnets with many poles. They're often
used in brushless DC motors:

You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet.
They cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

If you know where I can score some on the cheap let me know. But I'm
workin on a way of building them myself. You have to position magnets
into a perfect circle inside of steel to hold them in place and keep
the magnetized energy uniform. The circle you need varies in
dimensions depending on the size and strength of the magnets. And the
quality and focus of the magnet is something that is very hard to
reproduce. My prototype didn't even spin right, when I rotated a
magnet underneath it like you see in the video.

But my experiment is all set to move forward, and you can make fun of
me if you want. But once the parts arive I'll upload another YouTube
video of the perpetual motion machine in action.

One magnet will be fixed to a low voltage 0.3v motore, which will turn
the other magnet attached to the 1.5v wind genereator. A capacitor
will run energy between the motor and generator. And we will see what
happens. I expect the motor to generate enough energy to power itself
because if I use the minimum strength the magnets need to rotate the
only friction created comes from the motors axis rotating in the air.

Anyway it will be fun to see how it works.

Could you please take this discussion over to S.E.N
(sci.electronic.nutcases) where it belongs ?:)

...Jim Thompson

S.E.N. is restricted exclusively to card carrying members of the Church
of the Latter Day Crackpots. Of whom Nikoli Tesla is their patron saint.

As to higher pole configurations, there's also a side issue with ANY
magnet arrangement intended to provide levitation. There is a
fundamental proof that it flat out ain't gonna be stable. Unless some
sort of gyro stabilization is added. AKA the Levitron.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Rich Grise

You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet. They
cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

I've worked with quadrupole magnets, in ion spectrometers. They might
have totalled 10 grand retail, but only because the whole system was
very high-tech. (read high-priced.)

You can make a quadrupole magnet by holding two bar magnets next to
each other. "Quadrupole magnet" in and of itself is nothing particularly

And no matter how easy it seems to turn it, you will not get more
energy out than you put in.

Good Luck!


CoreyWhite said:
You just say that. You have never worked with a quadrupole magnet.
They cost 10s of thousands of dollars to have them custom built with
specifications for individual particle accelerators. I've looked into

And the
quality and focus of the magnet is something that is very hard to
reproduce. My prototype didn't even spin right, when I rotated a
magnet underneath it like you see in the video.

I've made a number of quadropole magnets, it ain't too hard.
The actual problem is that the East and West poles decay too fast.
I think their cure tempature is lower than the North and South poles.
Global Warming?


Are the ignorant never bothered by fact ?:)

...Jim Thompson

After viewing this video I ended up on, after reading thru
several letters
from believers and non believers I was about 3/4 of the way down the page
when all of
the sudden from my computer speakers I hear a cuckoo cuckoo bird say "cuckoo
That was the best laugh I've had in a long time!
That Torbay Motor "almost" makes you think, If they did just a little more
work on it!


Rich said:
I've worked with quadrupole magnets, in ion spectrometers. They might
have totalled 10 grand retail, but only because the whole system was
very high-tech. (read high-priced.)

You can make a quadrupole magnet by holding two bar magnets next to
each other. "Quadrupole magnet" in and of itself is nothing particularly

And no matter how easy it seems to turn it, you will not get more
energy out than you put in.

Good Luck!

Well the guy who is letting me hold these magnets gave them to me so I
could build a perpetual motion machine. But he didn't tell me what
they were, and it wasn't untill this christmas that I discovered them
again. So I owe it to him to experiment!

Do you know where else I could score some more of these things, without
selling my soul?

Don Lancaster

CoreyWhite said:
Well the guy who is letting me hold these magnets gave them to me so I
could build a perpetual motion machine. But he didn't tell me what
they were, and it wasn't untill this christmas that I discovered them
again. So I owe it to him to experiment!

Do you know where else I could score some more of these things, without
selling my soul?
Your soul has already been sold if you think you can build a perpetual
motion machine.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Jim Thompson

Your soul has already been sold if you think you can build a perpetual
motion machine.

Come on now, Don! Don't you have a Quadrupole magnet you'd sell him
for $20K ?:)

...Jim Thompson