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Maker Pro

Puzzling IR remote control problem

  • Thread starter NeverExpectPowerAlways
  • Start date


NeverExpectPowerAlways ha escrito:
I cannot comment on that, except that it seems CRTs are on the way out
for television reception. I just installed a digital TV tuner in my
computer and I am amazed at the number and clarity of free digital
broadcast stations in the San Francisco Bay Area. From what I have seen,
all new television sets being sold that are capable of receiving digital
broadcasts are either LCD or plasma or some other non-CRT technology.
Analog CRT sets are dirt cheap and few people seem to be aware that
analog broadcasting is scheduled to end in the United States in early 2009.

firstly, well done on fixing that set. Just ignore the idiots who put
you down instead of offering useful advice, we all have to start
somewhere and your posts showed that at least you had a clue about
what you were doing , unlike some gung-ho, have-a-go fools who often
post on here, who are IMHO more deserving of put-downs, if only for
their own safety!

Even though analogue is set to be switched off, remember that you will
still be able to use standard TVS by plugging in a set top digital
decoder box Of course, corporations and salespeople will not exactly
rave about that, as they want to you dump good stuff in the landfill
so they can sell you what *they* want and not what *you* need!



b said:
NeverExpectPowerAlways ha escrito:

firstly, well done on fixing that set. Just ignore the idiots who put
you down instead of offering useful advice, we all have to start
somewhere and your posts showed that at least you had a clue about
what you were doing , unlike some gung-ho, have-a-go fools who often
post on here, who are IMHO more deserving of put-downs, if only for
their own safety!

Even though analogue is set to be switched off, remember that you will
still be able to use standard TVS by plugging in a set top digital
decoder box Of course, corporations and salespeople will not exactly
rave about that, as they want to you dump good stuff in the landfill
so they can sell you what *they* want and not what *you* need!


Thanks, B

I will probably never attain the level of knowledge and experience of
most who post here, but I have a basic understanding of electronics and
have managed to resurrect several pieces of high quality vintage stereo
gear from the 70's, and a 96 Kia Sephia that suffered a short circuit
that fried the computer and melted the insulation on several wires in
different bundles that subsequently shorted to each other. It took a
while but I did it. It's amazing what you can do with a VOM, a bit of
knowledge and a lot of perseverance.

This was my first foray into a TV set, however... at least to fix it. As
a kid, I was given an old broken TV and a set of schematics for a 50
watt CW transmitter. Except for the 6146 tube and socket and an aluminum
box, all the parts came from the TV set. That was when I learned just
how dangerous the inside of a TV set could be. Now that I think back on
it, the guy who set me up should have warned me about the high voltage
stored in some capacitors, even with the set unplugged. Maybe he did. I
can't remember. But I remember the shock I got when I touched the wrong

Thanks again for the kind note.
