Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pulse-Flash Circuit to drive 300ma LED Beacon (miniaturized)

Hello: I have designed a couple of circuits. A pulse/Flash circuit and a common flip flop. They both work, but I am not a electronics engineer by any means. I let them flash away for a couple of weeks. My question is how do I know if they are stable and can work long term? I am working on something to make the world a safer place.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
what do you call "long term", with what reliability, and in what sort of environment?
I've had a 555 fade in / fade out circuit running for 2 years solid now...

So it's the conditions that matter the most (providing the chips run cool)
Step one is posting your schematic and bill of materials. Long-term reliability is achieved by managing the relationship between each component's maximum ratings and it's actual stress in your circuit. Without the details, all you can get from us are rules of thumb that have been shown to have a statistical impact on reliability.

Thank You for the reply's It is appreciated. I am out in the field doing some testing. As for the Environment it is in a induction field of 500 KV to 765 KV. I can protect it using the faraday effect. Using a stainless steel suit, I have energized myself many times at these voltages with amperages as high as 800 Ah. As far as long term I want it to last 5 years between change out of battery packs. The solar charging panels also work in this environment, using the faraday effect. I will get the schematic posted as soon as I get home. Like I said earlier
I'm just trying to make the world a safer place..
Some 765 kV lines run across the highway a few miles north of my house. Big puppies, 4 cables in a box.

So, solar panel charges battery so a beacon runs 27/7. Are these tower strobes as on TV towers? If so, there are lotsa commercial units. Also, what about an induction coil outside the Faraday cage to suck up a little free juice? Just guessing here.
