Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PS4 lag...tried every fix I could find...PLEASE HELP!!

Yes, the address that I did the test on was different to the one in your google link. I'll run a new one with the numbers from that site and post those. :/
the number you got from the link I posted is *your* address as seen from the outside. That is the address you should keep to yourself, but please share the address for 6, and let us know if you have a dish.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
All 4 received with 0% loss.
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
Approx. round trip in milli-seconds:
Minimum=1ms, Maximum=1ms, Average=1ms.

This was the ping on my public ip address.
The address for 6 was []
Thank you. All of the addresses you posted in the Trace-Route show ping times of less than 60 seconds when poked at from a DataCenter in Vancouver BC.
Considering your Internet provider hides the addresses of Hops 3-5, it's hard to *know* exactly where the 600ms delay comes from.
Jump 2 is the public interface on your router and will (or should) always give you an amazing time.
Jump 3 is usually the very first IP address you encounter on your service provider's network.
Based on what we know so far, it seems incredibly likely that the 600ms delay is caused by the Satellite Link providing service to your home. These types of connections can give you decent 'speeds', but horrible 'latency' / 'delays' . The only solution I can think of is ditching the Sat. Dish and getting a different service installed like Cable, or DSL ... This may not be an option though, so you may be out of luck unless you can find another provider that can give you a 'point-to-point' radio link instead. These typically link you to a near-by tower instead of the edge of our atmosphere... They may be pricey though. You can also use LTE, but these packages are incredibly limited in the monthly transfer amounts and may end up giving you a huge bill if you go over the limit.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
All 4 received with 0% loss.
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
bytes=32, time=1ms, TTL=64
Approx. round trip in milli-seconds:
Minimum=1ms, Maximum=1ms, Average=1ms.

This was the ping on my public ip address.
At least your router responds to pings from inside the home. Great! You can get a friend or trusted person to ping this address from their home... you may find that the result either times-out or has the same 600ms delay. Sharing this publicly may encourage some idiots to attempt to remotely disrupt your service. This address may change every once in a while, and most people can't do anything with it. Still safe to not post it on the world wide web though.

Also, I do think we have a dish, and that it is facing upwards.
... You may not be able to resolve this problem with your current internet provider ...
I think I followed you through all of that, and essentiallly, if it is a dish I am out of luck? I am not 100% sure that it is... but either way.. there's nothing I can enter in on my router or anything to my ps4 that's going to improve online gaming? Or anything I can tell Wildblue to fix specifically?
I think I followed you through all of that, and essentiallly, if it is a dish I am out of luck? I am not 100% sure that it is... but either way.. there's nothing I can enter in on my router or anything to my ps4 that's going to improve online gaming? Or anything I can tell Wildblue to fix specifically?
I'm very very certain there is nothing you can do on your side of things to fix this issue.
I'm also fairly certain that your internet provider can't make this better either... but you can try to contact them and tell them your ping times to the internet are horrible and it's preventing you from using online gaming services.

You certainly need to get rid of the dish and use something else... if you already are using something else and *not* the dish, then the internet provider needs to correct this issue or provide you with an explanation as to the cause.
I'm very very certain there is nothing you can do on your side of things to fix this issue.
I'm also fairly certain that your internet provider can't make this better either... but you can try to contact them and tell them your ping times to the internet are horrible and it's preventing you from using online gaming services.

Thankyou for all your help!
Lol, what does you pinging me do exactly?
It's similar to knowing a house address. They know how to reach your router on the internet, but don't know your physical location.
Most homes have a router installed, this router is a 'firewall' that protects the computers in the home from unsolicited messages sent to your address from the internet. Giving this address to someone simply lets them send a packet to your internet connection which is either automatically answered by the router, or ignored.
Pinging your internet address from outside will tell us how long it takes for a packet to cross the internet and reach your router, then for it to be returned.

Malicious people can use your address and flood it with tons of packets to slow-down or fill-up your connection making it unusable. This is why I say you should not share publicly on the internet for a bunch of people to see.

I would be surprised if any of our users would do that, but these posts can be read by anyone on the internet.

Contrary to popular belief sharing this address does not let everyone read the packets you send out, but it's still nice to keep it private and to use your discretion when sharing.

*Edit: Additionally, if you decide to host a game-server or web-page from your home, you will actually *want* to share your public IP address so people can connect. Again, it's not a scary thing to share.
Heck. My IP is currently, and I'm not hosting anything . My router here will ignore any messages sent to it
.As it turns out, it was a Wildblue issue after all. We upgraded our package yesterday from the 10 to 30 Gig package. We at the time of upgrading had only used 20% of our data. I am on the phone with them now, and they tried to tell me we had already used up our data and were at 33 Gigs, apparently from yesterday to today we used all of that. He quickly saw the error, but is unsure of how to fix it, so I have been on hold for about 10 minutes while he is trying to get his supervisor to fix their own issue. :mad:
After they set the data back to the performance it should be, do you think that will fix the problem?