Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Protel 99SE Question


Astable Schmitt

This might sound a bit dumb but I have gone around in circles on this one.
What I would like to know is how can I resize a symbol in Protel 99SE.
i.e I insert a symbol from a library and it is way too big. How do I make
it smaller?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Simon Peacock

A silly alternative is to use a larger sheet size.. so the "shrink to fit"
printing makes it look smaller!


David Brown

Simon Peacock said:
A silly alternative is to use a larger sheet size.. so the "shrink to fit"
printing makes it look smaller!


It's hardly a "silly" alternative - we use A3 shrunk to A4 as standard for
most schematics. The original size is just too big, meaning you need far
more pages that is really necessary. It's good for some types of
schematics, however, such as electrical connection diagrams or when you want
to add a lot of notes.

Simon Peacock

So do I as a matter of fact .. I even shrink A2 to A4 sometimes .. but
typically just A2 -> A3, A4 -> A3 etc.

It was a silly idea because you would think yourself silly for not thinking
it :)


David Brown

Simon Peacock said:
So do I as a matter of fact .. I even shrink A2 to A4 sometimes .. but
typically just A2 -> A3, A4 -> A3 etc.

I would too (I use 1600x1200 on a 19" monitor, and prefer 6 point type for
program printouts), but not all our engineers have such good eyesight,
especially at 3 in the morning...
It was a silly idea because you would think yourself silly for not thinking
it :)

Sorry - I missed the invisible smiley :)

Josu? L?pez

I Work with protel 99SE but my PCB manufacturer only Work with protel
2.0, and protel 99se dont have an option to save in protel 2.0. How
can i do the transformation between versi?n? do yo know some crak or
program to do this one?


Brad Velander

Send your fabricator Gerbers and Excellon drill files like +95% of the world
does? You don't think that all PCB fabricators take CAD databases from each
and every CAD tool, in all versions, do you? That would cost a fabricator
100s of thousands of dollars per year just to keep current with all
Afterall, the fabricator is undoubtedly just using their Protel 2.0 to
generate the Gerbers and Excellon files from the database that you send them
anyway. They are undoubtedly guessing what factors are important to your
design when generating the CAM output files for you, is that safe?

Simon Peacock

I think you'll find that exporting as an ascii pcb file will do the same as
a PCB 2.0
but if your supplier only supports 2.0.. its time to look for a new one. 2.0
is 7 or 8 years old.. I think
