Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problems Programming PICKIT 2 Clone

Hi Guys,

I've made a pickit 2 clone but i cant seem to program a PIC16F73 with it.

I've checked my circuit and measured different point with the volt meter and everything is reading as expected.
I figured that the MPAB is incompatible with the PIC16F73 so I'm using the standalone PICKIT 2 program.

The program is able to detect the PIC. It says the programming successful when i write to it. However when I clicked verify it says "Verification of Program Memory failed at address 0x000000"

I've tried a few things but to no avail, please help =]

The code protect is enabled..

Before I load my hex file I disable the code protect feature, but when i load my hex file the code protect is stuck enabled.

I've tried changing the code protect config bits in MPLAB, before exporting my hex file.. still its stuck on code protect.
I've been looking at why my VPP might be low. The diagram below shows the circuit I've used.

ICSP-1 Pin, is the VPP/MCLR Pin.

I remember that I didn't have a 75 Ohm resistor when soldering R4, therefore I used 100 Ohm.
Now I think this may be the issue.

Hi Guys,

It works! :rolleyes:

I created a temporary 72Ohm resistor by using a 120Ohm and 180Ohm resistor in parallel. Seems to work now, so i guess I'll order a 75Ohm resistor.