Maker Pro
Maker Pro

problem with wireless with vista-10 + 5881L after master code reset


Scott Presnell

Hi Folks,
I'm having problems with my vista-10 + 5881L wireless
system since having used *# at powerup to set the installer/master

I have:

vista-10 (sticker says VS10)
6128 Fixed-word console
5881L wireless (as sticker says)
5806 x2 smoke detectors
5849 glass break detectors.
vista-10 programming manual.

I tried to use my master code to enter programming on my vista-10,
but found that didn't do anything. Figuring I'd been *98'ed I used
*+# at powerup to set the master again, and have been using *99 to
leave programming since. When I did this I disconnected both the
AC and the battery: I'm hoping that's not a problem as the manual
says the programming is stored in EEPROM.

When I used *+# I got into a place I wasn't expecting, probably
overwriting a few fields because of the "walk forward" behaviour.
However I managed it, I know I reporgramed or cleared field 21,
because we use the quick arm functionality, and it had stopped
working: I re-enabled that successfully. I think I also stomped
on field 22, and have since set that back to "2" (RF system type
2=5800,5881). Other fields seem intact (like 41, showing the
phone number of the alarm company) But I did notice that all
the user codes were gone. I reentered those.

The Problem:

It seems now that the the panel can't hear the wireless devices.
After 12 hours I get 09 CHECK/ALARM and each of the wireless zones
rotate through the display.

If I put the panel into "tramsmitter sniffer" mode, I see the
wireless zones rotate through, but when I "fault" a wireless
device with the "test" button, it doesn't remove itself from
the display. I hold down the button beyond the delay I would
expect in order to have the alarm sense the fault.


Is there something else I need to do besides program field 22 in
order to have the 5881 operate correctly?

For field 22, is the value "2" as per the manual, correct for a 5881L?

What else might I try?

I'm a bit handicapped with the 6128 panel..
Entering #56 and stepping through with # shows the correct zones,
but if I use #56 and, say, 10# for my first wireless zone (or any
zone for that matter) I don't see anything (no rolling display of
the zone information), so it's hard to tell if the zone programming
is intact. I'm expecting to get a 6139, but in the mean time, is
there a way to view the field 56 zone data (or perhaps field 83)
with a 6128 panel to verify the programming?

My wife's already after me. Grrr.
She says: "what's that saying you taught me, 'if it ain't broke...'"

Thanks for any help.

- Scott


forget the sniffer mode.

arm the alarm in instant away, wait 15 seconds (or longer) then open a
door or trip a motion. You dont even have to arm to just see if the
zone faults when it is open, such as a window. If it doesnt fault, the
panel may have lost the serial number. It did this on a V20 i disabled
the receiver then when i put in a new receiver i had to
relearn/program all the wireless zones back in.

To reprogram wireless zones on a V10, with a 6128 can be done, but is
hard. Is it a new panel or old? DOes it say 10SE or are there any
revision numbers on it. It makes a difference when programming
wireless zones.
I'm a bit handicapped with the 6128 panel..
Entering #56 and stepping through with # shows the correct zones,
but if I use #56 and, say, 10# for my first wireless zone (or any
zone for that matter) I don't see anything (no rolling display of
the zone information), so it's hard to tell if the zone programming
is intact. I'm expecting to get a 6139, but in the mean time, is
there a way to view the field 56 zone data (or perhaps field 83)
with a 6128 panel to verify the programming?

(0/1 - 1= yes)

Depends if you have a newer panel or not, as the new ones auto learn
the zone loop. You would need to trip a zone to learn it but it gets
tricky when they are mounted already and people are walking around
triping other zones.

Send me the program sheet info for zones and ill tell you which way to
do it, as that will tell us which version of the 10 you have.

normally its like this:


shows you zone 10's zone type - change or continue

* - continue

Now shows report codes - change or continue

* - continue
Now shows your RF type - change or continue

* - continue

Learn Zone (on the newer vista 10's)

*** back to move onto next zone.

(i may be incorrect on a * or 2 so pay attention to what comes up, im
not near a vista 10 right now)