Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem with wireless alarm

Hello everyone I need some quick help. I have a Ademco Lynx and set
it up myself thanks to all the help from this forum and the home
security store forums. Its a completely wireless system.

When I came home today I did not hear a entry beep from the alarm
panel. This startled me because I know for sure I turned it on. I went
to investigate and I set off the motion alarm. I thought at first
maybe just the sensor was malfunctioning or it was a low battery.
After more testing I realize none of my wireless devices will work
from that side of the house. I now need to be in the same room to
turn on the alarm with the fobs.

I'm not really sure whats going on with it. Could it be some sort of
new interference in my area or a malfunctioning panel? I have tried to
unplug the power and battery but still seems to be doing the same
thing. I would appreciate any trouble shooting advice you can give

it seems to be functioning normally now. Would that suggest some sort
of interference? What could be that powerful to completely disable my
sensors? I've had this system going for a year now and have not
experienced any problems.

I might have to start making plans for a wired system.

Frank Olson

Hello everyone I need some quick help. I have a Ademco Lynx and set
it up myself thanks to all the help from this forum and the home
security store forums. Its a completely wireless system.

When I came home today I did not hear a entry beep from the alarm
panel. This startled me because I know for sure I turned it on. I went
to investigate and I set off the motion alarm. I thought at first
maybe just the sensor was malfunctioning or it was a low battery.
After more testing I realize none of my wireless devices will work
from that side of the house. I now need to be in the same room to
turn on the alarm with the fobs.

I'm not really sure whats going on with it. Could it be some sort of
new interference in my area or a malfunctioning panel? I have tried to
unplug the power and battery but still seems to be doing the same
thing. I would appreciate any trouble shooting advice you can give


You wouldn't by any chance have wireless headsets in your house?



You wouldn't by any chance have wireless headsets in your house?


You could be risking conjuring up a bad dream I know!

Father Jack

Hello everyone I need some quick help.  I have a Ademco Lynx and set
it up myself thanks to all the help from this forum and the home
security store forums. Its a completely wireless system.

When I came home today I did not hear a entry beep from the alarm
panel. This startled me because I know for sure I turned it on. I went
to investigate and I set off the motion alarm.  I thought at first
maybe just the sensor was malfunctioning or it was a low battery.
After more testing I realize none of my wireless devices will work
from that side of the house.  I now need to be in the same room to
turn on the alarm with the fobs.

I'm not really sure whats going on with it. Could it be some sort of
new interference in my area or a malfunctioning panel? I have tried to
unplug the power and battery but still seems to be doing the same
thing.  I would appreciate any trouble shooting advice you can give


Hi there,
With regard to your wireless alarm problem - sounds like some of your
detectors are being blocked by interference.
What frequency is the alarm using? If it is 433MHz every Garage Door,
Garden Weather Station, & various gimmicky remote devices are using
this frequency - or you may be having crosstalk from a neighbours
alarm if you live in an apartment or semi detached. I personally would
never again install an alarm using the 433MHz frequency -
Unfortunately the old 418MHz frequency which gave years of good
service is no longer available for Wireless Alarm Systems. The new
current 868MHz Narrow Band seems to be doing OK - so consider the
above statement and see if anything fits your symptoms. You might also
like to try moving the effected detectors closer to the control panel
to increase signal strength! Hope you get to the bottom of your
Best regards
Father Jack!


Hello everyone I need some quick help. I have a Ademco Lynx and set
it up myself thanks to all the help from this forum and the home
security store forums. Its a completely wireless system.

When I came home today I did not hear a entry beep from the alarm
panel. This startled me because I know for sure I turned it on. I went
to investigate and I set off the motion alarm. I thought at first
maybe just the sensor was malfunctioning or it was a low battery.
After more testing I realize none of my wireless devices will work
from that side of the house. I now need to be in the same room to
turn on the alarm with the fobs.

I'm not really sure whats going on with it. Could it be some sort of
new interference in my area or a malfunctioning panel? I have tried to
unplug the power and battery but still seems to be doing the same
thing. I would appreciate any trouble shooting advice you can give


When you did the original install did you test each sensor (from its
intended location) using code-#-4?

That tests the wireless zones at reduced power. If they work that way
then you can be reasonable sure you won't have any problems.

If you just slap them up and go - well, that's how the trunk slammers do


If you just slap them up and go - well, that's how the trunk slammers do

Occasionally I get called by other alarm companys or by their
customers who are referred to me, to trouble shoot wireless systems
that have chronic problems. 99% of the time it's due to poor signal
strength. Many times it's due to something that has changed in the
environment. ( adding air conditioners or air conditioning ducts, new
appliances, shower stalls, plumbing, a new SUV parked in the garage,
etc) Most of the time, it's simply a matter of moving the transmitter
a few inches in some direction or other that will cure the problem.
Sometimes even exchanging transmitters ( I guess it's due to some
variation in the crystal or whatever) will do it. But ..........
although I can't prove it, it seems that most of it is due to the
installers just not wanting to take the time to do a prelimiary signal
strength test prior to actually mounting the transmitters or receiver

When I do a survey for a wireless system I'll usually have a couple of
places picked out for the location of the receiver(s). I always tell
the client that there's a possibility that more than one receiver will
have to be installed. Prior to actually mounting any hardware, I set
up the panel with one transmitter programed in and one receiver
mounted at the most convenient spot and do a walk test around the
premise, marking where the transmitter gets the best signal on each
opening with that easily removeable painters tape. After taking the
survey, if there are any weak spots I'll either move the recever or
add another and do another walk test. Out of a possible top signal
strenght of 10 the mfg says a three is a minimum. I don't accept
anything less than a six which seems to be able to hold up when the
environment does change. I very, very rarely have a problem with my
wireless installs.

A number of years ago, I had a system that was installed and working
flawlessley for a few years. Then I get a call that various openings
are false alarming. The system is falsing on a number of second floor
windows. All the signal strengths are low and at bare minimum. When I
go to look at the receiver in the hall linen closet, I see that
there's a clothes iron on the top shelf, propped up right next to the


Jim said:
A number of years ago, I had a system that was installed and working
flawlessley for a few years. Then I get a call that various openings
are false alarming. The system is falsing on a number of second floor
windows. All the signal strengths are low and at bare minimum. When I
go to look at the receiver in the hall linen closet, I see that
there's a clothes iron on the top shelf, propped up right next to the

Funny you posted that today. I had a service call yesterday on a home with a
wireless system I installed over 6 years ago. Like yours, it has been
working flawlessly since then until recently. In the closet next to the
receiver was, yup, an iron, right up next to the receiver. I moved the iron
away, and the system is working just fine wrinkles so far.

Sorry I couldn't resist.


A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the
support of Paul. ----George Bernard Shaw

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong
enough to take everything you have.

- Thomas Jefferson


Jim wrote:

Funny you posted that today. I had a service call yesterday on a home with a
wireless system I installed over 6 years ago. Like yours, it has been
working flawlessly since then until recently. In the closet next to the
receiver was, yup, an iron, right up next to the receiver. I moved the iron
away, and the system is working just fine wrinkles so far.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

I would have been steamed.

Crash Gordon

I had one (not an iron though) like that too...ask them on the phone has
anything changed by that bedroom closet...NO.
I go out there and the hall closet now has mirrored doors and a brand new
GIANT mirror on the hallway side of the closet...can you say Faraday?...sure
you can.
Moved the receiver up into the attic above the closet...bada bing...back in

**Crash Gordon**


had a wireless hybrid system years ago using transcience eq.
was working fine for several years then quit one summer..
we were called to repair or replace.
we found that the home owner had re-wallpapered the house using a
metal-style wallpaper..
every room had become a box for the signal..

He decided to just do away with the radio part of the system..

nick markowitz

had a wireless hybrid system years ago  using transcience eq.
was working fine for several years then quit one summer..
we were called to repair or replace.
we found that the home owner had re-wallpapered the house using a
metal-style wallpaper..
every room had become a box for the signal..

He decided to just do away with the radio part of the system..

- Show quoted text -

The honeywell stuff works at 350mhz I get very few interference issues
definately sounds like something in the enviroment
changed . some of the Lynx units also have a Jam feature which is not
a bad idea to activate to warn when problems are developing.
But I agree most with doing proper survey first.
Did some sub work for a pittsburgh ADT dealer one time and he got mad
I took longer to install wireless than other installers but I never
had call back problems Like the others .
Some ass holes never learn
It is going to be intresting to see how the industry shakes out after
everything going on in this current economy and who is still in the
alarm buisness.
If you can not make your house payment you cant make your monitoring
payment and those dealers who decided to gamble and put it all on the
line to make back there money on the RMR are playing a very dangerous
If you have to cut to the bone and make your install and service money
back on RMR you will eventualy sink.


had a wireless hybrid system years ago �using transcience eq.
was working fine for several years then quit one summer..
we were called to repair or replace.
we found that the home owner had re-wallpapered the house using a
metal-style wallpaper..
every room had become a box for the signal..

He decided to just do away with the radio part of the system..

Holy crap .......... Transcience ........ I forgot all about
them. !!!!!

They were one of the first wireless companys. Had some real quirky
problems but they were just about the only choice there was for a long
time. Unfortunately they couldn't keep up with the technology.


It is going to be intresting to see how the industry shakes out after
everything going on in this current economy and who is still in the
alarm buisness.
If you can not make your house payment you cant make your monitoring
payment and those dealers who decided to gamble and put it all on the
line to make back there money on the RMR are playing a very dangerous
If you have to cut to the bone and make your install and service money
back on RMR you will eventualy sink

Yeah, I was thinking about that too. I bought into that about 7-8
years ago and did 140 homes on that basis. It turned out ok for me.
I've got probably about 100, more or less left. Spent lots of time and
equipment over about a two year period. But I can just imagine if I'd
invested all that time and material and lost most of them. That could
have taken a big chunk out of my vested interest in my business ......
fur sure.
Seems to still be working fine. I'm going to do the signal tests when
I have more time just to be sure. As I mentioned earlier something was
obviously putting out a much stronger signal. My fobs and wireless
keypads would only work in the same room and then all the sudden
everything seemed normal again.

I thought these devices have some kind of check in signal? Or maybe
the problem went away before a check in was done.
I'm going to dig out the alarm manual and see if I have this jam
warning thing.

thanks for the help

Crash Gordon

they do check in...kinda why they don't work immediately after you fire up
the panel...then on time basis after that.

you weren't resetting the panel then immediately testing the points were