Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem with usb mp3 kid player project

Hi, i am very new for here

I recently build a mp3 & FM radio player by using
  • Usb mp3 Kit
  • PAM8403 5V amplifier
  • 2 3W 4ohms speakers
  • 230 Ac to 5 dc transformer power supply
My power supply is 230v to 6v step down transformer with diode bridge circuit

However, when I connect these together with power supply , something is wrong. On connecting power, the speakers produce loud clicks and players also blink

After i gave power separately
For player from transformer circuit
For amplifier from a 3v dc battery

Then it was fine
I can't catch above problem
Please help me
The absolute maximum power supply voltage for the PAM8403 is 6.0V. Your 230V to 6VAC transformer output might be 7V or 8V AC when not at its full load then the peak is 8V x 1.414= 11.3V and the rectifier bridge reduces it to 9.5V which might destroy the PAM8403 amplifier.
The absolute maximum power supply voltage for the PAM8403 is 6.0V. Your 230V to 6VAC transformer output might be 7V or 8V AC when not at its full load then the peak is 8V x 1.414= 11.3V and the rectifier bridge reduces it to 9.5V which might destroy the PAM8403 amplifier.

I setup & send it through a transistor ic 7805 and some resistor and check the voltage between the amplifier circuit using
multimeter and it shows 3v

Again same problem occurs
To reduce the voltage
Because pam8403 amplifier circuit get 3v only otherwise the speakers produce loud click
A resistor does not simply reduce the voltage. The resistor reduces the current that the amplifier needs then the reduced current reduces the voltage.

Please post a schematic of how you connected everything together. Maybe your PAM amplifier is missing input coupling capacitors or resistors.