Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Problem switching a 5V mini relay from a low power LED (1,2v 2 mA) input

I am trying to make a 5V mini relay switch when the HDMI indicator
in my DVD player lights up.

I have unsuccesfully tried to trigger the mini relay (5V, 40mA) via
optocoupler (4N33 - infrared/darlington) "piggybagged" on the
indicator LED (1,2V 2mA), but the relay doesn't switch, only "hums"
slightly. Supplying an input of 1,5V from before the indicator LED
resistor (220ohm) generates the same result. I even tried using the
(normally unused) basis of the optocoupler as input, hoping it was
more "sensitive" - but still only "humming"

The setup works when "piggybacking" a standard 3V LED (>10mA), where
the relay swithes fine. What have I overlooked ?

Any suggestions for (simple) curcuitry I could use to trigger the 5V
relay from the 1,5V 2 mA input (I only have 5V supply power
available) ?

Jan Panteltje

I am trying to make a 5V mini relay switch when the HDMI indicator
in my DVD player lights up.

I have unsuccesfully tried to trigger the mini relay (5V, 40mA) via
optocoupler (4N33 - infrared/darlington) "piggybagged" on the
indicator LED (1,2V 2mA), but the relay doesn't switch, only "hums"
slightly. Supplying an input of 1,5V from before the indicator LED
resistor (220ohm) generates the same result. I even tried using the
(normally unused) basis of the optocoupler as input, hoping it was
more "sensitive" - but still only "humming"

The setup works when "piggybacking" a standard 3V LED (>10mA), where
the relay swithes fine. What have I overlooked ?

Any suggestions for (simple) curcuitry I could use to trigger the 5V
relay from the 1,5V 2 mA input (I only have 5V supply power
available) ?

LEDs in parallel do not share current equally.
1.2V is enough to open a si transistor.
Do you need to be opto-isolated?

Stanislaw Flatto

I am trying to make a 5V mini relay switch when the HDMI indicator
in my DVD player lights up.

I have unsuccesfully tried to trigger the mini relay (5V, 40mA) via
optocoupler (4N33 - infrared/darlington) "piggybagged" on the
indicator LED (1,2V 2mA), but the relay doesn't switch, only "hums"
slightly. Supplying an input of 1,5V from before the indicator LED
resistor (220ohm) generates the same result. I even tried using the
(normally unused) basis of the optocoupler as input, hoping it was
more "sensitive" - but still only "humming"

The setup works when "piggybacking" a standard 3V LED (>10mA), where
the relay swithes fine. What have I overlooked ?

Any suggestions for (simple) curcuitry I could use to trigger the 5V
relay from the 1,5V 2 mA input (I only have 5V supply power
available) ?
Numbers, numbers!
2mA<< 40mA
1.5V<< 5V
Do something about those inequalities, may start working.

Hi Jan,

The solution does not need to be opto isolated. I just thought it had
the most sensitive input, and I didn't have to worry about any
"feedback" currents.

I think I need another alternative; anything simple that can make a
5V, 40mA relay switch from 1,2V 2mA.

Stanislaw: I don't understand your point ?



A comparator that has enough drive on the output?
May not be the simplest solution, however.
Plus, this suggestion comes well into a Memorial Day 6-pack...

I can't remember the part#, but it was from TI.
LMC7215? (Or whatever your favorite is.)

Spehro Pefhany

I am trying to make a 5V mini relay switch when the HDMI indicator
in my DVD player lights up.

I have unsuccesfully tried to trigger the mini relay (5V, 40mA) via
optocoupler (4N33 - infrared/darlington) "piggybagged" on the
indicator LED (1,2V 2mA), but the relay doesn't switch, only "hums"
slightly. Supplying an input of 1,5V from before the indicator LED
resistor (220ohm) generates the same result. I even tried using the
(normally unused) basis of the optocoupler as input, hoping it was
more "sensitive" - but still only "humming"

The setup works when "piggybacking" a standard 3V LED (>10mA), where
the relay swithes fine. What have I overlooked ?

Any suggestions for (simple) curcuitry I could use to trigger the 5V
relay from the 1,5V 2 mA input (I only have 5V supply power
available) ?

Maybe it's not getting DC, but rather some short duty cycle pulses.
You could try using a CMOS 555 as a monostable and drive the relay
with that. Pull pin 2 low with the optotransistor.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


Hi Jan,

The solution does not need to be opto isolated. I just thought it had
the most sensitive input, and I didn't have to worry about any
"feedback" currents.

I think I need another alternative; anything simple that can make a
5V, 40mA relay switch from 1,2V 2mA.

Stanislaw: I don't understand your point ?


Jan's suggestion would be something like this:

+5 ------------------+------+
| |
[Relay] [D1]
| |a
| |
| /c
+---[220R]---| NPN
| \e
[220R] |
| |
| |
Gnd ---+-------------+

Most any NPN you have on hand will work.


Jan Panteltje

Hi Jan,

The solution does not need to be opto isolated. I just thought it had
the most sensitive input, and I didn't have to worry about any
"feedback" currents.

I think I need another alternative; anything simple that can make a
5V, 40mA relay switch from 1,2V 2mA.

Stanislaw: I don't understand your point ?


Hi, I understand you _do_ have a separate 5V supply available?

There are several ways, this oen for example using your current setup:

| |----------
| k |
R diode [ \ ] relay coil
10 | a |
| |----------
--- c ----------- |
opto coupler --- b c
--- e --------------- b NPN

The resistor is for current limit.

An other cool way would be to siply use a LDR (CdS cell - light dependent
resistor) glued to the LED.
It perhaps will be low enough R to switch the relay when the LED is on.

If you have 5V DC on the set itself, try to fin what drives the LED, likely
a 5 or 3 V output from a micro controller or some chip, and use that voltage
to drive a transistor via resistor, or via a FET.

c ---- as above.

--- 1k ------- b


Jan Panteltje

Hi Jan,

The solution does not need to be opto isolated. I just thought it had
the most sensitive input, and I didn't have to worry about any
"feedback" currents.

I think I need another alternative; anything simple that can make a
5V, 40mA relay switch from 1,2V 2mA.

Stanislaw: I don't understand your point ?


Jan's suggestion would be something like this:

+5 ------------------+------+
| |
[Relay] [D1]
| |a
| |
| /c
+---[220R]---| NPN
| \e
[220R] |
| |
| |
Gnd ---+-------------+

Most any NPN you have on hand will work.


Right :)
One of them.
Problem why I did not publish that is that often the LED is on the +
and pulled down via a resistor...
Then we should use a PNP :)

Jan Panteltje

Maybe it's not getting DC, but rather some short duty cycle pulses.
You could try using a CMOS 555 as a monostable and drive the relay
with that. Pull pin 2 low with the optotransistor.

You are so smart, yes I missed a clue 'buzzing'...

Maybe just capacitor parallel to the relay would work too?

Jan Panteltje

Any easy way to determine if the LED is being "pulsed", before trying
something else ?


Sure, make room dark, move head while looking in direction of LED.
If you see many dots it is pulsed.
Capacitor will smooth it.


Any easy way to determine if the LED is being "pulsed", before trying
something else ?

stick a cap across it and see if it gets brighter.
100 uf sounds good.
Indicator LED was indeed pulsed (which also explains the low power
100 uF capacitor in parallel with relay solved problem

Thanks all,


Any easy way to determine if the LED is being "pulsed", before trying
something else ?

hook it to an oscilloscope, or through a capacitor to headphones, or
through a capacitor to an AC voltmeter ...