Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Printing on cartoon box with industrial printer

I am looking advice on project, I want to print data on cartoon box automatically As I know we can set automation with microcontroller, PC and I’m not about PLC

Which is best option microcontroller (raspberry ) or PC to print on cartoon box ?
I think an open source laser engraver can do the trick without expensive parts.a low power laser diode will make the cnc engravers as printer (prusa i3 as an example).
you can even make it by some scrapped CD/DVD Roms and an arduino board for small printing projects.
I think an open source laser engraver can do the trick without expensive parts.a low power laser diode will make the cnc engravers as printer (prusa i3 as an example).
you can even make it by some scrapped CD/DVD Roms and an arduino board for small printing projects.

visionofast, I'm not going to make industrial printer, my question is, if I have one industrial printer and I want printer should be work automatically

there are so many ways to control industrial printer such as we can do it by PC, and Microcontroller

I'm asking which is efficient method PC based or Microcontroller based
Which is best option microcontroller (raspberry ) or PC to print on cartoon box ?

The best option will be the simplest (potentially cheapest) option.

If the printer uses a standard parallel port (or USB) then a cheapo PC running the appropriate software would be required. Otherwise you're looking at the construction, interfacing and programming of a dedicated module.

If you already have the printer hardware, what is (or was) the original controlling device?
The best option will be the simplest (potentially cheapest) option.

If the printer uses a standard parallel port (or USB) then a cheapo PC running the appropriate software would be required. Otherwise you're looking at the construction, interfacing and programming of a dedicated module.

If you already have the printer hardware, what is (or was) the original controlling device?
Please take look at this link

I'm looking the information for printer in given link

consider there are the bunch of cartoon moving one by one on belt, if cartoon detect by sensor then print serial number on cartoon

sensor --> PC/MCU--->Printer
What kind of information? Have you asked the manufacturer or downloaded their operator manual (I don't know if one is available but most are)?

Printing is printing. The only difference between 'ordinary' printing and carton printing is the gap between printhead and paper - usually meaning an expensive printhead.

Placement detection can be whatever suits - photo-sensing a white space, timing marks etc. Head placement is simply moving the head carriage.

You don't really tell us what it is you want to achieve.
You don't really tell us what it is you want to achieve.
I have already given example. What you want to know ?
consider there are the bunch of cartoon moving one by one on belt, if cartoon detect by sensor then print serial number on cartoon

sensor --> PC/MCU--->Printer
My question is what should i use PC or Microcontroller to control printer because I found in google search we can use both PC and microcontroller But I want to use best one
That would depend on several factors, e.g the programmer's skill, EM screening, electrical noise in the vicinity, power outages, supply decoupling, cooling, component tolerances and stresses, ........
I have the following things
  • Personal computer
  • Sensor to sense object
  • G230 I printer
I am reading related documents but still a lot questions

How to make sensor based printing system like if cartoon detect by sensor then print serial number on cartoon ?
You need to program the computer to read the sensor's output, count the output signals and drive the printer accordingly.
You need to program the computer to read the sensor's output, count the output signals and drive the printer accordingly.
But one program is already running on printer to print text

Thanks Alec_t , I don't think anything i need to drive printer first I am struggling with interfacing

computer has port for communication , How to interface sensor to computer ?
Computers can muti-task. Running a printer and an interface to detect the carton is easy.

Find an interface that fits with whatever port your PC has spare/available - serial, parallel, USB etc. Just Google for serial (or USB etc) interface unit. They are usually supplied with controlling software.
Just Google for serial (or USB etc) interface unit. They are usually supplied with controlling software.
Printer have USB port and Computer also have USB port. Printer can connect to computer with USB cable

I have to write program that will communicate between PC and printer but my doubt is printer has its own software running on PC. so I think I don't need extra program
I understand I need to create a program on computer that will print on the carton when carton will detect

But I don't have any idea How to go for further process ?
Printer have USB port, Printer can be connect to Computer using USB cable
That doesn't answer the question of which computer port will read the sensor.
The sensor in the link is an inductive type for sensing ferromagnetic objects at <= 2mm distance, so seems totally unsuitable for sensing cartons.