Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pre-Peavey Trace Elliot AH250 Bass Amp Problem

My beloved and (previously) totally reliable Trace Elliot AH250 Bass Head Amp has now started to give trouble.

For the first 30 mins or so of fairly hard playing it performs well, but thereafter whether being played or not, it gives intermittent 'rumbles and crackles' making it unuseable for a gig. The amp still works but gives out this horrrible sound as well.This is both with the fan running or not.

If the corner of the unit is lifted 10mm and dropped the same thing happens - loose connection or cracked soldering I suspect.

I have never had it 'serviced' and am pretty sure that would cure it - can anyone help with the name and contact details of someone who will carry this out properly and not rip me off? I am in Northampton but would deliver and collect within 60 mile radius.

My last 'repairer' wrecked a Peavey powered mixer so I won't be using him.

Hope you can help

Dave Bass