Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ppoe for midi footcontroller possible ?

I am a bit of a newb pertaining to electronics. I have a midi footcontroller by behringher model fcb1010 . I have done many modifications already, but more to the point I have it modified to have midi in, midi out, and power over cat 5. I would like to add two trs connections for momentary switches to the same cat 5 cabling thus having only one cable to connect. So the question is cat 5 having only 4 twisted pairs, can I safely also run 9 volts dc over the midi connections without frying the board in the fcb1010 ? Also, can I just ground the sleeves to the case of the footcontroller and send only the two tips and rings from the trs momentary switches ?
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The screen (shield) of a MIDI cable should be grounded at one end only, so I don't see how you can use it for the 9V DC supply?
I am a bit of a newb pertaining to electronics. I have a midi footcontroller by behringher model fcb1010 . I have done many modifications already, but more to the point I have it modified to have midi in, midi out, and power over cat 5. I would like to add two trs connections for momentary switches to the same cat 5 cabling thus having only one cable to connect. So the question is cat 5 having only 4 twisted pairs, can I safely also run 9 volts dc over the midi connections without frying the board in the fcb1010 ? Also, can I just ground the sleeves to the case of the footcontroller and send only the two tips and rings from the trs momentary switches ?
You need to be sure that the wires you are planning to use are connected as expected on each end... and not connected to something else...
You should look into DIY PoE adaptors, or look into using capacitors to block DC in an attempt to build your own injector and spitter for your custom PoE device.
I would highly discourage you from putting voltage on any wire that is in use... At least with a DC blocking capacitor, you can still allow AC through (sound) and block the DC used for powering the device.
Be careful and prepare to buy a new device...
THANKS all for the advice. Seems with more research this is possible but cost prohibitive for my purpose. Im now considering using a roland gk cable instead to give me all my midi, power, 4 momentary switches on two trs and a mono guitar signal. These are 13 pin din plus a shield ! lots of possibilty. Alec t my current setup was as follows over cat 5 dc+, dc-, midi in x2 midi out x2 extra earth to casing leaving one free.. the other end plugs into a break out box I built with a 3 prong iec 120 v to dc 9 volt converter inside as well as two standard 5 pin midi cables coming out of the box for source.

any reccomendations on best way to connect the 13 pin plus shield for keeping noise low on guitar signal ?