Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Power Supply

Hey guys,

I'm using a dual tracking lab dc supply and I wanted a plus and a minus voltage rail out of it, how would I go abouts connecting it to achieve that? It has got two outputs where one is a master and the other one is a slave and the slave can track the masters voltage. thanks heaps for your help.

Perhaps a picture or a model number could help us help you? There are (small) differences between all the makes on this world you know.
Some have completely independent outputs where you can connect the positive of any to the negative of the other, some require a specific order, and some have a switch doing it for you.
Thanks for you reply resqueline, the model number for the power supply is PS-404 and it's by a company called RACOM. Thanks a lot for your help. Appreciate it.
I'm sorry but I was not able to find any info on that make or model on the 'net so I'd need a picture, a drawing, or a good description of the front to say anything more..