Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Power supply for a system

Hi guys,

I have a device with 4 subsystems that needs to be powered up from rechargeable batteries, the batteries needs to be charged up through a solar panel. I need + and - 9V for an opamp, 5V for the microprocessor, 3.8V for a transmisson unit and 1.2 V for the opamp input. All the volatges are DC. I need help with the batteries charger circuit and how to power up the system components using the chargeable batteries when they are full charged. Now I am thinking I need three 9V-rechargeable batteries, and use few LM 317T regulators to power up the system. I also have a 16 V solar panel with 15 ma current. but just not sure if this will solve the problem. Please, any feedback is welcome and appreciated.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
What current do you require from these supply rails?

The LM317's could easily use up the entire 15mA your panel produces.
right now I have a solar panels able to provide 200 mA. I need to power up the opam with just 2 mA, but I need + and -Voltage, do you know of an opamp that takes only a positive volatge supply and still produce a symmetric circuit. I am using the opamp to make a Howland current pump and for that circuit to do its job, it needs to opamp power supply should be symmetric?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Perhaps you can post the circuit diagrams you have.

Are you just trying to create a current source?

Perhaps you should give us to overall picture of what you're trying to achieve.