Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Power supply delema, help!

I bought a fiber optic Christmas tree for my daughter from the thrift store but it didn't come with a power supply, radio shack said anything they have will light it on fire so i cant have that. It requires a 6Vac 5w plug with a M tip plug in. Anyone have any ideas? :(
Hi nick87453,

Well you need to bought a 6 volts / 1 amp transformer and to do some wiring.
By the way are you sure this is ac powered?

Hi nick87453.
Welcome from me, your fiber optic tree should also run on DC ive had a look inside my misses Mums when it developed a fault, it just a set of lamps and a color filter spins over the lamp. Go for 1000 miliamp adapter or 1 amp, same thing, they normally come with a set of DC plugs, these can be interchanged for size polarity reversal, please read the instructions first, correct polarity may be important, dependent on the circuit in it.

That adapter will power the tree, it really is just a lamp shining on the base of a bunch of fiber optic strands. :)