Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wanted: Power source

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I am very new to posting and Electronics, may I ask for a bit of patience. I am after a unit that has a 220/240 single phase input.
The output should be: 0-1000 Hz adjustable , 5-12 volt adjustable at 0-5 watt adjustable .
Can such a beast be made, does anyone manufature such things?
Thank you, Walter


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, there are AC power supplies available which allow you to set voltage and frequency. However they're typically extremely expensive.

What do you need this for? And when you say 0 to 1000Hz, what is your minimum frequency *really*?

I have some equipment capable of detecting some small number of micro Hz in a signal, but you need to measure the signal for hours or days for this. Would you really want a power source where the voltage oscillated at such low frequencies?
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