Here is a circuit that would work. It uses Linear Technologies parts, but that is because I use their simulator (LTSPICE) and was too lazy to try to add more standard parts.
The very common TL431 can be used in place of the LT1009 voltage reference. Just connect the ref pin to the cathode and otherwise the circuit is the same. Any single supply comparator that can handle 9V and has a push-pull output can be used in place of the LT1716 shown.
The green line is the input voltage, which I have varied from 3V down to 0V.
The blue line is the voltage on the LED, which you can see goes on when the input voltage crosses 1.5V.
The resistor and zener on the input are to protect the rest of the circuitry from the 28V possible input. Any Zener less than 9V but well above 1.5V would be okay. I have used an 8.2V one because that is what was available in the simulator.
You can also use a comparator with an open collector output by swapping the + and - inputs to it and putting the LED between 9V and the output (with resistor of course).