Here’s a link to NREL’s PvWatts:
It mainly a program for PV panel sizing but also gives heat energy in
kWh/m^2 for many locations in the US, which is handy for sizing solar
concentrators. For us old Americans 1kWh = 3412.142 BTUs/h and 1
meter^2 = 10.76391 ft^2, so 3412 / 10.76391 = 317 BTU/ft^2/h.
And here is the source code for two solar tracking programs, the first
was written in C by NREL and includes a VB port I did, this NREL
program has a high degree of accuracy but is more CPU intensive, while
the second program (not written by NREL) is both less accurate and CPU
Have fun,
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' Contains:
' S_solpos (computes solar position and intensity from time and
' INPUTS: via posdata struct) year, daynum, hour, minute,
second, latitude, longitude, timezone, intervl
' OPTIONAL: (via posdata struct) month, day, press, temp, tilt,
aspect, function
' OUTPUTS: EVERY variable in the struct posdata (defined in
' NOTE: Certain conditions exist during which some of
the output variables are undefined or cannot be
' calculated. In these cases, the variables are
returned with flag values indicating such. In other
' cases, the variables may return a realistic, though
invalid, value. These variables and the flag values
' or invalid conditions are listed below:
' amass -1.0 at zenetr angles greater than 93.0
' ampress -1.0 at zenetr angles greater than 93.0
' azim invalid at zenetr angle 0.0 or latitude
+/-90.0 or at night elevetr limited to -9 degrees at
' night
' etr 0.0 at night
' etrn 0.0 at night
' etrtilt 0.0 when cosinc is less than 0
' prime invalid at zenetr angles greater than 93.0
' sretr +/- 2999.0 during periods of 24 hour sunup
or sundown
' ssetr +/- 2999.0 during periods of 24 hour sunup
or sundown
' ssha invalid at the North and South Poles unprime
invalid at zenetr angles greater than 93.0 degrees
' zenetr limited to 99.0 degrees at night
' S_init (optional initialization for all input parameters in
the posdata struct)
' INPUTS: struct posdata*
' OUTPUTS: struct posdata*
' (Note: initializes the required S_solpos INPUTS above
to out-of-bounds conditions, forcing the user to
' supply the parameters; initializes the OPTIONAL
S_solpos inputs above to nominal values.)
' S_decode (optional utility for decoding the S_solpos return
' INPUTS: long integer S_solpos return value, struct posdata*
' OUTPUTS: text to stderr
' Usage: In calling program, just after other 'includes',
' #include "solpos00.h"
' Function calls:
' S_init(struct posdata*) [optional]
' .
' .
' [set time and location parameters before S_solpos
' .
' .
' int retval = S_solpos(struct posdata*)
' S_decode(int retval, struct posdata*) [optional]
' (Note: you should always look at the S_solpos return
value, which contains error codes. S_decode is one
' option for examining these codes. It can also serve
as a template for building your own application-
' specific decoder.)
' Martin Rymes
' National Renewable Energy Laboratory
' 25 March 1998
' 27 April 1999 REVISION: Corrected leap year in S_date.
' 13 January 2000 REVISION: SMW converted to structure posdata
' and subdivided into functions.
' 01 February 2001 REVISION: SMW corrected ecobli calculation
' (changed sign). Error is small (max
0.015 deg
' in calculation of declination angle)
'#include <math.h>
'#include <string.h>
'#include <stdio.h>
'#include "solpos00.h"
' Structures defined for this module
Private Type trigdata ' used to pass
calculated values locally
cd As Single ' cosine of the
ch As Single ' cosine of the hour
cl As Single ' cosine of the latitude
sd As Single ' sine of the
Sl As Single ' sine of the latitude
End Type
' Temporary global variables used only in this file:
'cumulative number of days prior to beginning of month 0=non-leap
year, 1=leap year
Private month_days(1, 12) As Integer ' day of month array
Private array_init As Boolean ' day of month array
initalization flag
Private Const degrad As Single = 57.295779513 ' converts from
radians to degrees
Private Const raddeg As Single = 0.0174532925 ' converts from
degrees to radians
' Long integer function S_solpos, adapted from the VAX solar libraries
' This function calculates the apparent solar position and the
intensity of the sun (theoretical maximum solar energy)
' from time and place on Earth.
' Requires (from the struct posdata parameter):
' Date and time:
' year
' daynum (requirement depends on the S_DOY switch)
' month (requirement depends on the S_DOY switch)
' day (requirement depends on the S_DOY switch)
' hour
' minute
' second
' interval DEFAULT 0
' Location:
' latitude
' longitude
' Location/time adjuster:
' timezone
' Atmospheric pressure and temperature:
' press DEFAULT 1013.0 mb
' temp DEFAULT 10.0 degrees C
' Tilt of flat surface that receives solar energy:
' aspect DEFAULT 180 (South)
' tilt DEFAULT 0 (Horizontal)
' Function Switch (codes defined in solpos.h)
' function DEFAULT S_ALL
' Returns (via the struct posdata parameter):
' everything defined in the struct posdata in solpos.h.
Public Function S_solpos(pdat As posdata) As Long
Dim retval As Long ' return value
Dim tdat As trigdata ' trig data
' initialize the trig structure = -999# ' flag to force
calculation of trig data = 1# ' = 1# ' set the rest of these
to something safe = 1# '
tdat.Sl = 1# '
If Not array_init Then InitArray ' if day of month array
not initalized, do it
If ((retval = validate(pdat)) <> 0) Then ' if position data
S_solpos = retval ' return validate flags
End If ' if position data
If (pdat.function And L_DOY) Then ' if day of year
conversion required
doy2dom pdat ' convert input doy to
Else ' else convert day of
dom2doy pdat ' convert input
month-day to doy
End If ' if day of year
conversion required
If (pdat.function And L_GEOM) Then ' if basic geometry
calculations required
geometry pdat ' do basic geometry
End If ' if basic geometry
calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_ZENETR) Then ' if etr at
non-refracted zenith angle required
zen_no_ref pdat, tdat ' do etr at
non-refracted zenith angle
End If ' if etr at
non-refracted zenith angle required
If (pdat.function And L_SSHA) Then ' if Sunset hour
calculation required
ssha pdat, tdat ' do Sunset hour
calculation required
End If ' if Sunset hour
calculation required
If (pdat.function And L_SBCF) Then ' if ShadoWBRSd
correction factor required
sbcf pdat, tdat ' do ShadoWBRSd
correction factor
End If ' if ShadoWBRSd
correction factor required
If (pdat.function And L_TST) Then ' if true solar time
Tst pdat ' do true solar time
End If ' if true solar time
If (pdat.function And L_SRSS) Then ' if sunrise/sunset
calculations required
srss pdat ' if sunrise/sunset
End If ' if sunrise/sunset
calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_SOLAZM) Then ' if solar azimuth
calculations required
SAzm pdat, tdat ' do solar azimuth
End If ' if solar azimuth
calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_REFRAC) Then ' if atmospheric
refraction calculations required
Refrac pdat ' do atmospheric
refraction calculations
End If ' if atmospheric
refraction calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_AMASS) Then ' if airmass
calculations required
amass pdat ' do airmass
calculations required
End If ' if airmass
calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_PRIME) Then ' if kt-prime/unprime
calculations required
prime pdat ' do kt-prime/unprime
End If ' if kt-prime/unprime
calculations required
If (pdat.function And L_ETR) Then ' if ETR and ETRN
(refracted) required
etr pdat ' do ETR and ETRN
End If ' if ETR and ETRN
(refracted) required
If (pdat.function And L_TILT) Then ' if tilt calculations
Tilt pdat ' do ETR and ETRN
End If ' if tilt calculations
S_solpos = 0 ' done
End Function
' Void function S_init
' This function initiates all of the input parameters in the struct
posdata passed to S_solpos(). Initialization is
' either to nominal values or to out of range values, which forces
the calling program to specify parameters.
' NOTE: This function is optional if you initialize ALL input
parameters in your calling code. Note that the required
' parameters of date and location are deliberately initialized out of
bounds to force the user to enter real-world
' values.
' Requires: Pointer to a posdata structure, members of which are
' Returns: Void
Public Sub S_init(pdat As posdata)
pdat.Day = -99 ' Day of month (May 27 =
27, etc.)
pdat.daynum = -999 ' Day number (day of
year; Feb 1 = 32 )
pdat.Hour = -99 ' Hour of day, 0 - 23
pdat.Minute = -99 ' Minute of hour, 0 - 59
pdat.Month = -99 ' Month number (Jan = 1,
Feb = 2, etc.)
pdat.second = -99 ' Second of minute, 0 -
pdat.Year = -99 ' 4-digit year
pdat.interval = 0 ' instantaneous
measurement interval
pdat.aspect = 180# ' Azimuth of panel
surface (direction it faces) N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270
pdat.Latitude = -99# ' Latitude, degrees
north (south negative)
pdat.Longitude = -999# ' Longitude, degrees
east (west negative) = 1013# ' Surface pressure,
pdat.solcon = 1367# ' Solar constant, 1367
W/sq m
pdat.Temp = 15# ' Ambient dry-bulb
temperature, degrees C
pdat.Tilt = 0# ' Degrees tilt from
horizontal of panel
pdat.TimeZone = -99# ' Time zone, east (west
pdat.sbwid = 7.6 ' Eppley shadow band
pdat.sbrad = 31.7 ' Eppley shadow band
pdat.sbsky = 0.04 ' Drummond factor for
partly cloudy skies
pdat.function = S_ALL ' compute all parameters
End Sub
' Local long int function validate
' Validates the input parameters
Private Function validate(pdat As posdata) As Long
Dim retval As Long ' return value
retval = 0 ' start return value
with no errors
If (pdat.function And L_GEOM) Then ' if basic geometry
calculations required
If ((pdat.Year < 1950) Or (pdat.Year > 2050)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_YEAR_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid algoritm
year limits
If (Not (pdat.function And S_DOY) And ((pdat.Month < 1) Or
(pdat.Month > 12))) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_MONTH_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid month
If (Not (pdat.function And S_DOY) And ((pdat.Day < 1) Or (pdat.Day
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_DAY_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid day month
If ((pdat.function And S_DOY) And ((pdat.daynum < 1) Or
(pdat.daynum > 366))) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_DOY_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid day of year
If ((pdat.Hour < 0) Or (pdat.Hour > 24)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_HOUR_ERROR)
End If ' if vainvalidlid hour
of day
If ((pdat.Minute < 0) Or (pdat.Minute > 59)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_MINUTE_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid mintue of
If ((pdat.second < 0) Or (pdat.second > 59)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_SECOND_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid second of
If ((pdat.Hour = 24) And (pdat.Minute > 0)) Then
retval = retval Or (ShL32F(1, S_HOUR_ERROR) Or ShL32F(1,
End If ' if more than 24 hrs
(addditional minutes)
If ((pdat.Hour = 24) And (pdat.second > 0)) Then
retval = retval Or (ShL32F(1, S_HOUR_ERROR) Or ShL32F(1,
End If ' if more than 24 hrs
(addditional seconds)
If (CSng(Abs(pdat.TimeZone)) > 12#) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_TZONE_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid time zone
If ((pdat.interval < 0) Or (pdat.interval > 28800)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_INTRVL_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid interval
If (CSng(Abs(pdat.Longitude)) > 180#) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_LON_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid longitude
If (CSng(Abs(pdat.Latitude)) > 90#) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_LAT_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid latitude
End If ' if basic geometry
calculations required
If ((pdat.function And L_REFRAC) And (CSng(Abs(pdat.Temp)) > 100#))
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_TEMP_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid
If ((pdat.function And L_REFRAC) And ( < 0#) Or
( > 2000#)) Then
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_PRESS_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid pressures
If ((pdat.function And L_TILT) And (CSng(Abs(pdat.Tilt)) > 180#))
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_TILT_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid tilt
If ((pdat.function And L_TILT) And (CSng(Abs(pdat.aspect)) > 360#))
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_ASPECT_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid aspect
If ((pdat.function And L_SBCF) And (pdat.sbwid < 1#) Or (pdat.sbwid
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_SBWID_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid shadoWBRSds
If ((pdat.function And L_SBCF) And (pdat.sbrad < 1#) Or (pdat.sbrad
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_SBRAD_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid shadoWBRSds
If ((pdat.function And L_SBCF) And (CSng(Abs(pdat.sbsky)) > 1#))
retval = retval Or ShL32F(1, S_SBSKY_ERROR)
End If ' if invalid shadoWBRSds
validate = retval ' return error status
End Function
' Private Sub InitArray TWW porting construct
' loads day-of-month array with non-leap year and leap year days until
' of month
' Requires: nothing
Private Sub InitArray()
month_days(0, 2) = 31 ' Febuary non-leap
month_days(1, 2) = 31 ' Febuary leap year
month_days(0, 3) = 59 ' March non-leap
month_days(1, 3) = 60 ' March leap year
month_days(0, 4) = 90 ' April non-leap
month_days(1, 4) = 91 ' April leap year
month_days(0, 5) = 120 ' May non-leap
month_days(1, 5) = 121 ' May leap year
month_days(0, 6) = 151 ' June non-leap
month_days(1, 6) = 152 ' June leap year
month_days(0, 7) = 181 ' July non-leap
month_days(1, 7) = 182 ' July leap year
month_days(0, 8) = 212 ' August non-leap
month_days(1, 8) = 213 ' August leap year
month_days(0, 9) = 243 ' September non-leap
month_days(1, 9) = 244 ' September leap year
month_days(0, 10) = 273 ' October non-leap
month_days(1, 10) = 273 ' October leap year
month_days(0, 11) = 304 ' November non-leap
month_days(1, 11) = 305 ' November leap year
month_days(0, 12) = 334 ' December non-leap
month_days(1, 12) = 335 ' December leap year
array_init = True ' month array
initilized, we don't need to do it again
End Sub
' Local Void function dom2doy
' Converts day-of-month to day-of-year
' Requires (from struct posdata parameter):
' year
' month
' day
' Returns (via the struct posdata parameter):
' year
' daynum
Private Sub dom2doy(pdat As posdata)
' cumulative number of days prior to beginning of month for leap year
pdat.daynum = pdat.Day + month_days(0, pdat.Month)
' Corrected by NREL (TW)
' If (((pdat.year Mod 4) = 0) And (((pdat.year Mod 100) <> 0) Or
((pdat.year Mod 400) = 0)) And (pdat.month > 2)) Then
If (((pdat.Year Mod 4) = 0) And (((pdat.Year Mod 100) <> 0) Or
((pdat.Year Mod 400) = 0))) Then
pdat.daynum = pdat.daynum + 1 ' adjust for leap year
End If ' if leap year
End Sub
' Local void function doy2dom
' This function computes the month/day from the day number.
' Requires (from struct posdata parameter):
' Year and day number:
' year
' daynum
' Returns (via the struct posdata parameter):
' year
' month
' day
Private Sub doy2dom(pdat As posdata)
Dim Leap As Integer ' leap year switch
Dim imon As Integer ' Month (month_days)
array counte
If (((pdat.Year Mod 4) = 0) And (((pdat.Year Mod 100) <> 0) Or
((pdat.Year Mod 400) = 0))) Then
Leap = 1 ' set the leap year
Else ' if not leap year
Leap = 0 ' set the non-leap year
End If ' if leap year
imon = 12 ' default to Decamber
While pdat.daynum <= month_days(Leap, imon) ' loop to find number of
days prior to beginning of month
imon = imon - 1 ' decrement month
Wend ' loop to find number of
days prior to beginning of month
pdat.Month = imon ' set the month and day
of month
pdat.Day = pdat.daynum - month_days(Leap, imon)
End Sub
' Local Void function geometry
' Does the underlying geometry for a given time and location
Private Sub geometry(pdat As posdata)
Dim bottom As Single ' denominator (bottom)
of the fraction
Dim c2 As Single ' cosine of d2
Dim cd As Single ' cosine of the day
angle or delination
Dim d2 As Single ' pdat.dayang times two
Dim Delta As Single ' difference between
current year and 1949
Dim s2 As Single ' sine of d2
Dim sd As Single ' sine of the day angle
Dim top As Single ' numerator (top) of the
Dim Leap As Integer ' (month_days) array
' Day angle
' Iqbal, M. 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation. Academic
Press, NY., page 3
pdat.dayang = 360# * (pdat.daynum - 1) / 365#
' Earth radius vector * solar constant = solar energy Spencer, J. W.
1971. Fourier series representation of the
' position of the sun. Search 2 (5), page 172
sd = Sin(raddeg * pdat.dayang) ' get the sine of the
day angle
cd = Cos(raddeg * pdat.dayang) ' get the cosine of the
day angle or delination
d2 = 2# * pdat.dayang ' get the day angle
times two
c2 = Cos(raddeg * d2) ' get the cosine of d2
s2 = Sin(raddeg * d2) ' get the sine of d2
pdat.erv = 1.00011 + 0.034221 * cd + 0.00128 * sd
pdat.erv = pdat.erv + 0.000719 * c2 + 0.000077 * s2
' Universal Coordinated (Greenwich standard) time Michalsky, J.
1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
' approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy 40 (3),
pp. 227-235.
pdat.utime = pdat.Hour * 3600# + pdat.Minute * 60# + pdat.second -
CSng(pdat.interval) / 2#
pdat.utime = pdat.utime / 3600# - pdat.TimeZone
' Julian Day minus 2,400,000 days (to eliminate roundoff errors)
Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's
' algorithm for approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar
Energy 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
' No adjustment for century non-leap years since this function is
bounded by 1950 - 2050
Delta = pdat.Year - 1949 ' get the difference
between current year and 1949
Leap = CInt((Delta / 4#)) ' get (month_days) array
pdat.julday = 32916.5 + Delta * 365# + Leap + pdat.daynum +
pdat.utime / 24#
' Time used in the calculation of ecliptic coordinates Noon 1 JAN
2000 = 2,400,000 + 51,545 days Julian Date
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar
' Energy 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.ectime = pdat.julday - 51545# ' get time of ecliptic
' Mean longitude
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar
' Energy 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.MnLong = 280.46 + 0.9856474 * pdat.ectime
' (dump the multiples of 360, so the answer is between 0 and 360) */
pdat.MnLong = pdat.MnLong - 360# * CInt((pdat.MnLong / 360#))
If (pdat.MnLong < 0#) Then '
pdat.MnLong = pdat.MnLong = 360# '
End If '
' Mean anomaly
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar
' Energy 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.MnAnom = 357.528 + 0.9856003 * pdat.ectime
' (dump the multiples of 360, so the answer is between 0 and 360)
pdat.MnAnom = pdat.MnAnom - 360# * CInt((pdat.MnAnom / 360#))
If (pdat.MnAnom < 0#) Then '
pdat.MnAnom = pdat.MnAnom + 360# '
End If '
' Ecliptic longitude */
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar
' Energy 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.EcLong = pdat.MnLong + 1.915 * Sin(pdat.MnAnom * raddeg) + 0.02
* Sin(2# * pdat.MnAnom * raddeg)
' (dump the multiples of 360, so the answer is between 0 and 360)
pdat.EcLong = pdat.EcLong - 360# * CInt(pdat.EcLong / 360#)
If (pdat.EcLong < 0#) Then
pdat.EcLong = pdat.EcLong + 360#
End If '
' Obliquity of the ecliptic
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3) pp. 227-235.
pdat.ecobli = 23.439 - 0.0000004 * pdat.ectime
' Declination
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.declin = degrad * Asin(Sin(pdat.ecobli * raddeg) *
Sin(pdat.EcLong * raddeg))
' Right ascension
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
top = Cos(raddeg * pdat.ecobli) * Sin(raddeg * pdat.EcLong)
bottom = Cos(raddeg * pdat.EcLong) '
pdat.rascen = degrad * Atan(top, bottom) '
' (make it a positive angle)
If (pdat.rascen < 0#) Then '
pdat.rascen = pdat.rascen + 360# '
End If '
' Greenwich mean sidereal time
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.Gmst = 6.697375 + 0.0657098242 * pdat.ectime + pdat.utime
' (dump the multiples of 24, so the answer is between 0 and 24)
pdat.Gmst = pdat.Gmst - 24# * CInt(pdat.Gmst / 24#)
If (pdat.Gmst < 0#) Then '
pdat.Gmst = pdat.Gmst + 24# '
End If '
' Local mean sidereal time
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.Lmst = pdat.Gmst * 15# + pdat.Longitude
' (dump the multiples of 360, so the answer is between 0 and 360)
pdat.Lmst = pdat.Lmst - 360# * CInt(pdat.Lmst / 360#)
If (pdat.Lmst < 0#) Then '
pdat.Lmst = pdat.Lmst + 360# '
End If '
' Hour angle
' Michalsky, J. 1988. The Astronomical Almanac's algorithm for
approximate solar position (1950-2050). Solar Energy
' 40 (3), pp. 227-235.
pdat.HrAng = pdat.Lmst - pdat.rascen '
' (force it between -180 and 180 degrees)
If (pdat.HrAng < -180#) Then '
pdat.HrAng = pdat.HrAng + 360# '
If (pdat.HrAng > 180#) Then '
pdat.HrAng = pdat.HrAng - 360# '
End If '
End If '
End Sub
' Local Void function zen_no_ref
' ETR solar zenith angle
' Iqbal, M. 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation.
' Academic Press, NY., page 15
Private Sub zen_no_ref(pdat As posdata, tdat As trigdata)
Dim Cz As Single ' cosine of the solar
zenith angle
localtrig pdat, tdat '
Cz = * tdat.Sl + * *
' (watch out for the roundoff errors)
If CSng(Abs(Cz)) > 1# Then '
' If Abs(CZ) > 1# Then '
If (Cz >= 0#) Then '
Cz = 1# '
Else '
Cz = -1# '
End If '
End If '
pdat.zenetr = Acos(Cz) * degrad ''
' (limit the degrees below the horizon to 9 [+90 -> 99])
If (pdat.zenetr > 99#) Then '
pdat.zenetr = 99# '
End If '
pdat.elevetr = 90# - pdat.zenetr '
End Sub
' Local Void function ssha
' Sunset hour angle, degrees
' Iqbal, M. 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation.
' Academic Press, NY., page 16
Private Sub ssha(pdat As posdata, tdat As trigdata)
Dim cssha As Single ' cosine of the sunset
hour angle
Dim cdcl As Single ' ( cd * cl )
localtrig pdat, tdat '
cdcl = * '
If CSng(Abs(cdcl)) >= 0.001 Then '
' If Abs(cdcl) >= 0.001 Then '
cssha = -tdat.Sl * / cdcl '
' This keeps the cosine from blowing on roundoff
If (cssha < -1#) Then '
pdat.ssha = 180# '
ElseIf (cssha > 1#) Then '
pdat.ssha = 0# '
Else '
pdat.ssha = degrad * Acos(cssha) '
End If '
ElseIf (((pdat.declin >= 0#) And (pdat.Latitude > 0#)) Or
((pdat.declin < 0#) And (pdat.Latitude < 0#))) Then
pdat.ssha = 180# '
Else '
pdat.ssha = 0# '
End If '
End Sub '
' Local Void function sbcf
' ShadoWBRSd correction factor
' Drummond, A. J. 1956. A contribution to absolute pyrheliometry.
' Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. 82, pp. 481-493
Private Sub sbcf(pdat As posdata, tdat As trigdata)
Dim P As Single ' used to compute sbcf
Dim t1 As Single ' used to compute sbcf
Dim t2 As Single ' used to compute sbcf
localtrig pdat, tdat '
P = 0.6366198 * pdat.sbwid / pdat.sbrad * ^ 3
t1 = tdat.Sl * * pdat.ssha * raddeg '
t2 = * * Sin(pdat.ssha * raddeg)
pdat.sbcf = pdat.sbsky + 1# / (1# - P * (t1 + t2))
End Sub
' Local Void function tst
' TST -> True Solar Time = local standard time + TSTfix, time
' in minutes from midnight.
' Iqbal, M. 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation.
' Academic Press, NY., page 13
Private Sub Tst(pdat As posdata)
pdat.Tst = (180# + pdat.HrAng) * 4# '
' add back half of the interval
pdat.tstfix = pdat.Tst - CSng(pdat.Hour) * 60# - pdat.Minute -
CSng(pdat.second) / 60# + CSng(pdat.interval) / 120#
While pdat.tstfix > 720# ' bound tstfix to this
pdat.tstfix = pdat.tstfix - 1440# '
Wend '
While pdat.tstfix < -720# '
pdat.tstfix = pdat.tstfix + 1440# '
Wend '
pdat.eqntim = pdat.tstfix + 60# * pdat.TimeZone - 4# *
End Sub
' Local Void function srss
' Sunrise and sunset times (minutes from midnight)
Private Sub srss(pdat As posdata)
If (pdat.ssha <= 1#) Then '
pdat.sretr = 2999# '
pdat.ssetr = -2999# '
ElseIf (pdat.ssha >= 179#) Then '
pdat.sretr = -2999# '
pdat.ssetr = 2999# '
Else '
pdat.sretr = 720# - 4# * pdat.ssha - pdat.tstfix '
pdat.ssetr = 720# + 4# * pdat.ssha - pdat.tstfix '
End If '
End Sub
' Local Void function sazm
' Solar azimuth angle
' Iqbal, M. 1983. An Introduction to Solar Radiation.
' Academic Press, NY., page 15
Private Sub SAzm(pdat As posdata, tdat As trigdata)
Dim ca As Single ' cosine of the solar
azimuth angle
Dim ce As Single ' cosine of the solar
Dim cecl As Single ' ( ce * cl )
Dim se As Single ' sine of the solar
localtrig pdat, tdat '
ce = Cos(raddeg * pdat.elevetr) '
se = Sin(raddeg * pdat.elevetr) '
pdat.azim = 180# '
cecl = ce * '
If Abs(cecl) >= 0.001 Then '
ca = (se * tdat.Sl - / cecl '
If (ca > 1#) Then '
ca = 1# '
ElseIf (ca < -1#) Then '
ca = -1# '
End If '
pdat.azim = 180# - Acos(ca) * degrad '
If (pdat.HrAng > 0) Then '
pdat.azim = 360# - pdat.azim '
End If '
End If '
End Sub
' Local Int function refrac
' Refraction correction, degrees
' Zimmerman, John C. 1981. Sun-pointing programs and their
' SAND81-0761, Experimental Systems Operation Division 4721,
' Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM.
Private Sub Refrac(pdat As posdata)
Dim prestemp As Single ' temporary
pressure/temperature correction
Dim refcor As Single ' temporary refraction
Dim tanelev As Single ' tangent of the solar
elevation angle
Dim Part1 As Single ' expression part 1
Dim Part2 As Single ' expression part 2
Dim Part3 As Single ' expression part 3
If (pdat.elevetr > 85#) Then ' If the sun is near
zenith, the algorithm bombs; refraction near 0
refcor = 0# '
Else ' Otherwise, we have
tanelev = Tan(raddeg * pdat.elevetr) '
If (pdat.elevetr >= 5#) Then '
refcor = 58.1 / tanelev - 0.07 / (tanelev ^ 3) + 0.000086 /
(tanelev ^ 5)
ElseIf (pdat.elevetr >= -0.575) Then '
' refcor = 1735# + pdat.elevetr * (-518.2 + pdat.elevetr * (103.4
+ pdat.elevetr * (-12.79 + pdat.elevetr * 0.711)))
Part1 = -12.79 + pdat.elevetr * 0.711 '
Part2 = 103.4 + pdat.elevetr * Part1 '
Part3 = -518.2 + pdat.elevetr * Part2 '
refcor = 1735# + pdat.elevetr * Part3 '
Else '
refcor = -20.774 / tanelev '
End If '
prestemp = ( * 283#) / (1013# * (273# + pdat.Temp))
refcor = refcor * prestemp / 3600# '
End If ' If the sun is near
zenith, the algorithm bombs; refraction near 0
pdat.elevref = pdat.elevetr + refcor ' Refracted solar
elevation angle
If (pdat.elevref < -9#) Then ' (limit the degrees
below the horizon to 9)
pdat.elevref = -9# '
End If ' (limit the degrees
below the horizon to 9)
pdat.zenref = 90# - pdat.elevref ' Refracted solar zenith
pdat.coszen = Cos(raddeg * pdat.zenref) '
End Sub
' Local Void function amass
' Airmass
' Kasten, F. and Young, A. 1989. Revised optical air mass tables
and approximation formula. Applied Optics 28 (22),
' pp. 4735-4738
Private Sub amass(pdat As posdata)
If (pdat.zenref > 93#) Then '
pdat.amass = -1# '
pdat.ampress = -1# '
Else '
pdat.amass = 1# / (Cos(raddeg * pdat.zenref) + 0.50572 * (96.07995
- pdat.zenref) ^ -1.6364)
pdat.ampress = pdat.amass * / 1013#
End If '
End Sub
' Local Void function prime
' Prime and Unprime
' Prime converts Kt to normalized Kt', etc.
' Unprime deconverts Kt' to Kt, etc. Perez, R., P. Ineichen, Seals,
R., & Zelenka, A. 1990. Making
' full use of the clearness index for parameterizing hourly
insolation conditions. Solar Energy 45 (2), pp. 111-114
Private Sub prime(pdat As posdata)
pdat.unprime = 1.031 * Exp(-1.4 / (0.9 + 9.4 / pdat.amass)) + 0.1 = 1# / pdat.unprime '
End Sub
' Local Void function etr
' Extraterrestrial (top-of-atmosphere) solar irradiance
Private Sub etr(pdat As posdata)
If (pdat.coszen > 0#) Then '
pdat.etrn = pdat.solcon * pdat.erv '
pdat.etr = pdat.etrn * pdat.coszen '
Else '
pdat.etrn = 0# '
pdat.etr = 0# '
End If '
End Sub
' Local Void function localtrig
' Does trig on internal variable used by several functions
Private Sub localtrig(pdat As posdata, tdat As trigdata)
' define masks to prevent calculation of uninitialized variables
Const CH_MASK As Long = (L_ZENETR)
If ( < -900#) Then ' sd was initialized
-999 as flag = 1# ' reflag as having
completed calculations
If (pdat.function Or CD_MASK) Then = Cos(raddeg *
If (pdat.function Or CH_MASK) Then = Cos(raddeg *
If (pdat.function Or CL_MASK) Then = Cos(raddeg *
If (pdat.function Or SD_MASK) Then = Sin(raddeg *
If (pdat.function Or SL_MASK) Then tdat.Sl = Sin(raddeg *
End If '
End Sub
' Local Void function tilt
' ETR on a tilted surface
Private Sub Tilt(pdat As posdata)
Dim ca As Single ' cosine of the solar
azimuth angle
Dim cp As Single ' cosine of the panel
Dim ct As Single ' cosine of the panel
Dim sa As Single ' sine of the solar
azimuth angle
Dim sp As Single ' sine of the panel
Dim st As Single ' sine of the panel tilt
Dim sz As Single ' sine of the refraction
corrected solar zenith angle
' Cosine of the angle between the sun and a tipped flat surface,
' useful for calculating solar energy on tilted surfaces
ca = Cos(raddeg * pdat.azim) '
cp = Cos(raddeg * pdat.aspect) '
ct = Cos(raddeg * pdat.Tilt) '
sa = Sin(raddeg * pdat.azim) '
sp = Sin(raddeg * pdat.aspect) '
st = Sin(raddeg * pdat.Tilt) '
sz = Sin(raddeg * pdat.zenref) '
pdat.CosInc = pdat.coszen * ct + sz * st * (ca * cp + sa * sp)
If (pdat.CosInc > 0#) Then '
pdat.etrtilt = pdat.etrn * pdat.CosInc '
Else '
pdat.etrtilt = 0# '
End If
End Sub
' Void function S_decode
' This function decodes the error codes from S_solpos return value
' Requires the long integer return value from S_solpos
' Returns descriptive text to stderr
Public Sub S_decode(Code As Long, pdat As posdata)
If Code = 0 Then Exit Sub ' if no errors, return
(added by Tommy)
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_YEAR_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the year: " & pdat.Year & "
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_MONTH_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the month: " & pdat.Month
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_DAY_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the month: " & pdat.Day
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_DOY_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the day-of-year: " & pdat.daynum
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_HOUR_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the hour: " & pdat.Hour
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_MINUTE_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the minute: " & pdat.Minute
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_SECOND_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the second: " & pdat.second
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_TZONE_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the time zone: " & pdat.TimeZone
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_INTRVL_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the interval: " & pdat.interval
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_LAT_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the latitude: " & pdat.Latitude
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_LON_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the longitude: " & pdat.Longitude
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_TEMP_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the temperature: " & pdat.Temp
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_PRESS_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the pressure: " &
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_TILT_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the tilt: " & pdat.Tilt
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_ASPECT_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the aspect: " & pdat.aspect
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_SBWID_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the shadoWBRSd width: " &
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_SBRAD_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the shadoWBRSd radius: " &
End If '
If (Code And (ShL32F(1, S_SBSKY_ERROR))) Then '
MsgBox "S_decode ==> Please fix the shadoWBRSd sky factor: " &
End If '
End Sub
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Const Pi = 3.14159265 ' define pi
Public Function Radians(Degree As Double) As Double
' convert degrees to radians
Radians = Degree * Pi / 180 ' calculate and
return degrees converted to radians
End Function
Public Function Degrees(Radian As Double) As Double
' convert radians to degrees
Degrees = Radian * 180 / Pi ' calculate and
return radians converted to degrees
End Function
Public Function EquationOfTime(DayNumber As Double) As Double
' Equation of Time using day number
Dim R As Double ' radians
R = Radians((360 * (DayNumber - 1)) / 365.242) ' load radians
EquationOfTime = 0.258 * Cos(R) - 7.416 * Sin(R) - 3.648 * Cos(2 *
R) - 9.228 * Sin(2 * R)
End Function
Public Function LongitudeCorrection(TimeZone As Double, Longitude As
Double) As Double
' Longitude Correction using time zone and longitude
LongitudeCorrection = (15 * TimeZone - Longitude) / 15 ' calculate and
return solar time
End Function
Public Function LocalTime(ST As Double, DST As Double, EOT As Double,
LC As Double) As Double
' Local Time using solar time, daylight saving time, equation of time,
and longitude correction
LocalTime = ST - (EOT / 60) + LC + DST ' calculate and
return local time
End Function
Public Function SolarTime(LTD As Double, DST As Double, EOT As Double,
LC As Double) As Double
' Solar Time using local time decmal, daylight saving time, equation
of time, and longitude correction
SolarTime = LTD + (EOT / 60) - LC - DST ' calculate and
return solar time
End Function
Public Function DecimalToHMS(X As Double) As String
' Return time in 24Hr. string formatted 19:29:12
Dim Hrs As Integer ' hours
Dim Mins As Integer ' minutes
Dim Secs As Integer ' seconds
Hrs = Int(X) ' calculate hours
Mins = Int(60 * (X - Hrs)) ' calculate
Secs = Int(3600 * (X - Hrs - Mins / 60)) ' calculate
DecimalToHMS = Format(Hrs, "00") & ":" & Format(Mins, "00") & ":" &
Format(Secs, "00")
End Function
' arc sine
' error if value is outside the range [-1,1]
Function ASin(value As Double) As Double
If Abs(value) <> 1 Then
ASin = Atn(value / Sqr(1 - value * value))
ASin = 1.5707963267949 * Sgn(value)
End If
End Function
' arc cosine
' error if NUMBER is outside the range [-1,1]
Function ACos(ByVal number As Double) As Double
If Abs(number) <> 1 Then
ACos = 1.5707963267949 - Atn(number / Sqr(1 - number * number))
ElseIf number = -1 Then
ACos = 3.14159265358979
End If
'elseif number=1 --> Acos=0 (implicit)
End Function
' arc cotangent
' error if NUMBER is zero
Function ACot(value As Double) As Double
ACot = Atn(1 / value)
End Function
' arc secant
' error if value is inside the range [-1,1]
Function ASec(value As Double) As Double
' NOTE: the following lines can be replaced by a single call
' ASec = ACos(1 / value)
If Abs(value) <> 1 Then
ASec = 1.5707963267949 - Atn((1 / value) / Sqr(1 - 1 / (value *
ASec = 3.14159265358979 * Sgn(value)
End If
End Function
' arc cosecant
' error if value is inside the range [-1,1]
Function ACsc(value As Double) As Double
' NOTE: the following lines can be replaced by a single call
' ACsc = ASin(1 / value)
If Abs(value) <> 1 Then
ACsc = Atn((1 / value) / Sqr(1 - 1 / (value * value)))
ACsc = 1.5707963267949 * Sgn(value)
End If
End Function