Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Possibly Off Topic Question



Hi all.

This is possibly off topic, but I'm hoping you will find it interesting to
discuss. I would like to hear about what sorts of creative project
enclosures other people have made. If you are aware of a better place for
me to post regarding this subject, please let me know.

I've been experimenting with Microchips's processors for a couple of years
now. I have a clock/temperature project that's been running on a
breadboard for almost a year and I'd like to enclose it in something
suitable to give away as a gift.

So far I've made a case out of Legos and currently I'm experimenting with
plexiglas. If you want to see them, I've uploded some pictures of them

Of the people I've shown it to, the Lego case seems to be a hit only with
kids. I think for it to be useful I need to either redesign it so it is
wedge shaped or make some sort of inclined stand for it. Right now I keep
it propped on the back of my desk. What I like about it is that I can
reproduce it easily and the parts are varied enough so I could fit them
around my board, LCD, and keypad.

I'd appreciate hearing about any similar or interesting enclosures others
have made as well as any suggestions.


John Popelish

PSchlaack said:
Hi all.

This is possibly off topic, but I'm hoping you will find it interesting to
discuss. I would like to hear about what sorts of creative project
enclosures other people have made. If you are aware of a better place for
me to post regarding this subject, please let me know.

I've been experimenting with Microchips's processors for a couple of years
now. I have a clock/temperature project that's been running on a
breadboard for almost a year and I'd like to enclose it in something
suitable to give away as a gift.

So far I've made a case out of Legos and currently I'm experimenting with
plexiglas. If you want to see them, I've uploded some pictures of them

Of the people I've shown it to, the Lego case seems to be a hit only with
kids. I think for it to be useful I need to either redesign it so it is
wedge shaped or make some sort of inclined stand for it. Right now I keep
it propped on the back of my desk. What I like about it is that I can
reproduce it easily and the parts are varied enough so I could fit them
around my board, LCD, and keypad.

I'd appreciate hearing about any similar or interesting enclosures others
have made as well as any suggestions.

Very nice work. Since I always want to know how things
work, I like transparent cases. Have you seen the small
oscilloscope clocks?

I picked up an old long persistence (writes yellow and fades
blue) tube to build an annoying to watch version of one of
these, someday.

My only attempt to make a nice case for an electronic
project was also a clock. I lived in Bermuda at the time,
and had an old cedar stump in the back yard. So I cut a
piece of it, sawed it into small boards and made the case
out of the very dark (and pungent) heart wood. The alarm
kill switch was a pair of micro switches under a bar of
cedar with round ends that stuck up slightly along the top
front edge. The display was 5 vacuum fluorescent tubes
behind a filter window. That was 30 years ago, But I think
I still have it in a box, somewhere.

Rich Grise

This is possibly off topic, but I'm hoping you will find it interesting to
discuss. I would like to hear about what sorts of creative project
enclosures other people have made. If you are aware of a better place for
me to post regarding this subject, please let me know.

I've been experimenting with Microchips's processors for a couple of years
now. I have a clock/temperature project that's been running on a
breadboard for almost a year and I'd like to enclose it in something
suitable to give away as a gift.

So far I've made a case out of Legos and currently I'm experimenting with
plexiglas. If you want to see them, I've uploded some pictures of them

Of the people I've shown it to, the Lego case seems to be a hit only with
kids. I think for it to be useful I need to either redesign it so it is
wedge shaped or make some sort of inclined stand for it. Right now I keep
it propped on the back of my desk. What I like about it is that I can
reproduce it easily and the parts are varied enough so I could fit them
around my board, LCD, and keypad.

I'd appreciate hearing about any similar or interesting enclosures others
have made as well as any suggestions.

If you're not buying project boxes at Fry's or Radio shack or Bud, then
I guess the answer is "whatever works".


Stephen J. Rush

I'd appreciate hearing about any similar or interesting enclosures others
have made as well as any suggestions.

I've seen USB sticks inserted into dolls; you pull the head off to get to
the connector. If you don't have to worry about mechanical hazards, a
Mason jar is airtight but still easy to open, and offers a metal panel to
mount controls in. An old trick is to make a case of double-sided PC board
stock and solder it together.


The oscilloscope clocks are impressive. The author mentions that he had
the case custom made.

So far most of the projects/experiments I've done have never made it off of
a breadboard. When they have, they've ended up in a project case,
tupperware, or just screwed to a block of wood. Because this is a clock,
I wanted it to be attractive as well as functional.

Thanks for your replies.