Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Please help to buy those components

As per your schematic there are TWO windings so four wires. And as I mentioned, you MUST connect them with the correct 'phase' (i.e. the end of one connects to the start of the other).

i.e. START - wind around 80-100 turns on the ferrite - END : START - wind two turns on the ferrite - END.

Wind the wire over a thin card sleeve wrapped around the ferrite - this allows you to slide the completed coil up/down the length of the rod for best sensitivity.
First, get a component tester that can measure inductance:

Component tester

Get a 10 cm by .5 cm ferrite rod:

Ferrite rod

Get some magnet wire, 30 ga:

Magnet wire

Wind the primary on on end of the loopstick, checking with the component tester until the inductance is what is called for.

Wind the secondary on the other end of the rod, again checking for the correct inductance.


Look at the circuit diagram, there are two coils so four ends. One coil will have many turns and is tuned by a variable capacitor. The other will have few turns and will be connected to the transistor, this one will be wound over the top of the other coil for close coupling.
You can find which is which with a meter to measure resistance.
The end of the tuned coil which is away from the small coil should be connected to the tuning capacitor.
As per your schematic there are TWO windings so four wires. And as I mentioned, you MUST connect them with the correct 'phase' (i.e. the end of one connects to the start of the other).

i.e. START - wind around 80-100 turns on the ferrite - END : START - wind two turns on the ferrite - END.

Wind the wire over a thin card sleeve wrapped around the ferrite - this allows you to slide the completed coil up/down the length of the rod for best sensitivity.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have just removed a number of posts that I think are nothing but unhelpful.

The person who posted them would be wise to consider his posting habits.

From his posting style you might have thought that this thread was about building a "free energy perpetual motion machine"