Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Pioneer SA-1290 amplifier problem

Hi. On the back of my Pioneer SA-1290 amp there are two voltage selector switches. One is a sliding switch, the other is a round one which you turn to select the voltage. The round switch is broken (the front part has come off) meaning the amp is only partially working - lights come on but no sound or graphic equalizer. Does anybody have a wiring diagram for this so I can join the appropriate wires, or does anybody know where I can find one of these voltage selector switches? I guess Pioneer used the same switch on many of their amplifiers but I'm not sure. Any help appreciated. Thank you. Stan.
My older Pioneers have selector slide switches and the round plug is a jumper that you pull out, realign the pin/connector configuration, and reinsert for the desired selection.
Is your round 'switch', actually a removable jumper connector? (You pull it out completely, and then turn it/reinsert it, for the proper selection).
UPDATE: Today I looked again at the wiring and after much head-scratching decided to join two wires together and soldered them - now the amp works perfectly. Great news! Thanks for letting me post on here guys. Cheers.
PS/ @shrtrnd - yes it looks to be that sort of removable jumper connector but this part is missing meaning not everything was getting to the primary side of the transformer. There are 3 pairs of connections and I was unsure which to join but now it's working fine. Thanks again. Stan.
Hi Oban, If your mains supply is 240V take the top off the amp and find the primary side of the main transformer. Join the brown and black wires together using a short piece of insulated cable at least as thick as the wires you see there. (This will be much easier than trying to join the wires in the actual voltage selector switch.) If you're looking at the transformer so the front of the amp is to your right and the back to your left, counting the transformer pins from left to right you need pins 4 and 5 (out of a total of 7 pins). Solder your piece of wire across these pins and your amp should work. I left a small note inside the amp explaining what I've done in case anybody else opens it up in the future and it probably should be noted from a safety point of view that with the voltage selector switch missing the important part it does allow enough space for curious toddlers fingers to go exploring and there are high voltages exposed on the contacts part. Best shove it up high out of the way or cover the voltage selector with tape. Good luck with it Oban. Cheers, Stan.