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Maker Pro

Piezo ignitor pulse shape?



I would like to know the pulse shape of the piezo ignitor from a BBQ
lighter, but I haven't got an oscilloscope. Is it AC, a single
monopolar pulse, or a bipolar pulse, or a dampened oscillation?

Probably the pulse shape depends on its design, so I dissected the
piezo ignitor of a BBQ lighter. Please see the image at
.. The piezo electric body is apparently composed of two parts: the
major part is a cup or a bottom, probably made of brass. Question: is
this just backing material? The minor part is the grey matter inside
the cup. The grey matter doesn't have a distinct shape. Question: is
the grey matter inside the piezo ceramic (PZT)?
I will never know what type is in yours. but mostly and i never bother to investigate is probably a magneto charging a cap and a transformer hi ratio to spark.


I would like to know the pulse shape of the piezo ignitor from a BBQ
lighter, but I haven't got an oscilloscope. Is it AC, a single
monopolar pulse, or a bipolar pulse, or a dampened oscillation?

Probably the pulse shape depends on its design, so I dissected the
piezo ignitor of a BBQ lighter. Please see the image at
. The piezo electric body is apparently composed of two parts: the
major part is a cup or a bottom, probably made of brass. Question: is
this just backing material? The minor part is the grey matter inside
the cup. The grey matter doesn't have a distinct shape. Question: is
the grey matter inside the piezo ceramic (PZT)?

I am going to repeat this post at sci.electronics.basics