Maker Pro
Maker Pro

PIC18Fxxxx Programming in C for ADC using potentiometer and LEDs

Can anyone please provide me the C code for ADC using the Potentiometer and Leds?

The potentiometer provides the analog signal and this analog signal is sent as input to the ADC. The LEDs should blink showing the respective digital output.

C Program for ADC in PIC18F2420-2520-4420-4520

Dear friends,

Can anyone please provide me the C code for ADC in PIC18F2420-2520-4420-4520(anyone of these pics will be sufficient)??

The analog input is provided by the Potentiometer and is sent to the ADC.The digital output should be shown using the LEDs.

Please reply as soon as possible!!!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Do you think I need to tell you that it is bad form to post a second identical question requesting help "as soon as possible" when the original question has already been answered?

If you need more clarification, just ask -- but PLEASE -- in the same thread.

btw, you haven't explained how you want the value displayed on LEDs. Do you mean in digits, or as a bar graph, or maybe the brightness of a LED, or something else...?
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